English German
breastfed child gestilltes Kind
breastfed children gestillte Kinder
breastfeed stillen
breastfeeding Stillen
breastfeeding and complementary feeding Stillen und Beikosternährung
breastfeeding baby Säugling
breastfeeding pillow Stillkissen
breastfeeding strike Stillstreik
breastfeeding technique Stilltechnik
breastfeeding woman stillende Frau
breasthook Bugband
breastplate Brustpanzer
breastplates Brustharnische
breastrope Schiffstau
breasts Brust
breaststroke Brust
breastwork Brüstung
breath Zug
breath alcohol concentration Atemalkoholkonzentration
breath analyser for alcohol Atemalkoholtester
breath analysers for alcohol Atemalkoholtester
breath box Atemschutz
breath diagnostics Atemdiagnostik
breath donation Atemspende
breath gas analysis Atemgasanalyse
breath gas test Atemgastest
breath guard Atemschutz
breath in einatmen
Breath of air Atem
breath of life Lebensatem
breath of scandal Andeutung von Skandal
breath of wind Windhauch
breath sounds Atemgeräusche
breath spray Atemspray
breath test Alkoholtest
breath testing Atemalkoholbestimmung
Breath weapon Atem
breath-holding spell , BHS Affektkrampf
breath-taking smell atemberaubender Gestank
breath-testing Atemalkoholbestimmung
breathable luftdurchlässig
breathable air Atemluft
breathable clothing atmungsaktive Bekleidung
breathable fabric atmungsaktiver Stoff
breathable jacket atmungsaktive Jacke
breathable material atmungsaktiver Stoff
breathable membrane atmungsaktive Membran
breathalyser Röhrchen
breathalyser test Alkoholtest
breathalysers Alkoholtester
breathalyze ins Röhrchen blasen