English German
celebration Feiern
celebration of God's appearance Epiphanias
celebration of marriage Eheschließung
celebration of the mass Messfeier
celebrations Feiern
celebratory feierlich
celebratory event Festveranstaltung
celebratory gunfire Freudenschüsse
celebrities Persönlichkeiten
Celebrities are fair game for the tabloids. Prominente sind Freiwild für die Sensationspresse.
celebrity Star
celebrity ... berühmte ...
celebrity babe Sternchen
celebrity babes Sternchen
celebrity chef Spitzenkoch
celebrity chefs Starköche
Celebrity Deathmatch Celebrity Deathmatch
celebrity girl Sternchen
celebrity girls Sternchen
celebrity guest prominenter Gast
Celebrity guests were thin on the ground at the wedding. Auf der Hochzeit waren prominente Gäste dünn gesät.
celebrity hairdresser Promifriseur
celebrity hype Starrummel
celebrity member prominentes Mitglied
celebrity minder Aufpasser für Prominente
celebrity parade Promi-Aufmarsch
celebrity reporter Klatschreporter
celebrity slut Promi-Schlampe
celebrity tailor Prominentenschneider
celebrity team Promimannschaft
celebs Promis
celebutante It-Girl
Celei Celei
Celendín Province Provinz Celendín
celeriac Sellerie
celeriac root Sellerieknolle
celeriac root salad Selleriesalat
celeriac salad Selleriesalat
celerities Geschwindigkeiten
celerity Geschwindigkeit
Celeron Intel Celeron
celery Sellerie
celery flies Selleriefliegen
celery fly Selleriefliege
celery in brown gravy Sellerie in Jus
celery liqueur Sellerielikör
celery root Wurzelsellerie
celery salt Selleriesalz
celery stalk Selleriestiel
celery stalks Selleriestiele
celery vinegar Sellerie-Essig
celery, carrot and parsley family Doldenblütler
celery-leaved buttercup Gift-Hahnenfuß
celesta Celesta
celeste Celesta
celestial göttlich