English German
cello Cello
Cello Concerto Cellokonzert
cello lessons Cello-Stunden
cello maker Cellobauer
cello makers Cellobauer
cello player Cellist
cello players Cellisten
cello playing Cellospiel
cello string Cellosaite
Cello Suites Suiten für Violoncello solo
cello teacher Cellolehrer
cellophane Klarsichtfolie
cellophane bag Zellglasbeutel
cellophane noodle Glasnudel
cellophane noodle soup Glasnudelsuppe
Cellophane noodles Glasnudeln
cellophane wrapping machine Cellophaniermaschine
cellos Celli
cellphone Handy
cellphone case Handytasche
cellphone collection Handy-Sammlung
cellphone contract Handy-Vertrag
cellphone detector Handy-Detektor
cellphone generation Handy-Generation
cellphone number Handynummer
cellphone pocket Handytasche
cellphone provider Mobilfunkbetreiber
cellphone reception Handy-Empfang
cellphone reseller Handy-Anbieter
cellphone strap Handygurt
cellphone straps Handygurte
cellphone user Handy-Nutzer
cellphone virus Handyvirus
cells Küvetten
cells of a storage battery Akkumulatorzellen
cells of Deiter Deitersche Stützzellen
cells of Hensen Hensensche Stützzellen
cellucotton Zellstoffwatte
Cellulair Zelle
cellular Handy
cellular automata , CA zellulare Automaten , ZA
cellular automaton , CA zellularer Automat , ZA
cellular biology Zellbiologie
cellular board Wellpappe
cellular carrier company Mobilfunk-Betreibergesellschaft
cellular concrete Porenbeton
cellular concrete factory Porenbetonwerk
cellular data link control Zellulare Datenverbindungssteuerung
cellular defence zelluläre Abwehr
Cellular differentiation Differenzierung
cellular edema zelluläres Ödem
cellular enzyme Zellenzym
cellular fabric Netzgewebe
cellular filter Zellenfilter
cellular flooring Stahlzellendecke
cellular glass Schaumglas
cellular immune response zelluläre Immunantwort
cellular immunoresponse zelluläre Immunantwort
cellular insulation Zellisolierung
cellular licence Mobilfunkkonzession
cellular lightweight concrete Schaumbeton
cellular material Schaumstoff
cellular movement Zellbewegung
cellular network Mobilfunknetz
cellular networks Mobilfunknetze
cellular oedema zelluläres Ödem
cellular pathology Zellpathologie
cellular phone Autotelefon
cellular phone reception Mobilfunkempfang
cellular phones Handys
cellular pyrite Speerkies
cellular radio Kleinzonentechnik
cellular radio network Mobilfunknetz
cellular radio system Mobilfunksystem
cellular respiration Zellatmung
cellular rubber Moosgummi
cellular rubber strip Schaumgummistreifen
cellular rubber strips Schaumgummistreifen
cellular shirts Netzhemden
cellular structure Netzstruktur
cellular structures Netzstrukturen
cellular system Zellularsystem
cellular telephone Autotelefon
cellular telephony Mobilfunk
cellular therapy Zelltherapie
cellular tissue Zellgewebe
cellularly zellförmig
cellulase Zellulase
cellule kleine Zelle
cellulite Zellulitis
cellulitis Zellulitis
celluloid Zelluloid
celluloid disc Zelluloidscheibe
celluloid disk Zelluloidscheibe
celluloid film Celluloid-Film
celluloid handle Zelluloidgriff
celluloneuritis Nervenzellentzündung
cellulose Zellstoff
cellulose acetate Celluloseacetat
cellulose acetate butyrate , CAB Celluloseacetatbutyrat , CAB
cellulose acetate film Celluloseacetat-Film
cellulose acetate, CA Celluloseacetat , CA
cellulose chain Cellulosekette
cellulose diacetate Cellulosediacetat
cellulose dinitrate Cellulosedinitrat
cellulose dust Cellulosestaub
cellulose ester Celluloseester
cellulose esters Celluloseester
cellulose ether Celluloseether
cellulose ethers Celluloseether
cellulose ethyl ether Celluloseethylether
cellulose fiber Cellulosefaser
cellulose fibers Cellulosefasern
cellulose fibre Cellulosefaser
cellulose fibres Cellulosefasern
cellulose glue Celluloseleim
cellulose gum Zellulosegummi
cellulose hydrate Zellulosehydrat