English German
Chipping Norton Chipping Norton
chipping of the cutting edge Ausbrechen der Schneide
chipping off abblätternd
chipping plane Bestoßhobel
chipping sparrow Schwirrammer
chipping spreader Splittstreuer
chipping technology Spanende Formgebung
chippings Splitter
chippings, chippings, crushed stone Splitt
Chippis Chippis VS
chippy angeschlagen
chips Schnitzel
chips cutter Pommes-frites-Schneider
chips of metal Metallsplitter
chips of rock Gesteinssplitter
chips of soap Seifenbröckchen
chips of steel Stahlsplitter
CHiPs Patrol CHiPs
chips stall Frittenbude
chips stand Frittenbude
chipset Chipsatz
chipsets Chipsätze
Chiptune Chiptune
Chiquimula Chiquimula
chir pine Emodi-Kiefer
Chirac Chirac
chiral chiral
chiral resolution Racematspaltung
chirality Chiralität
chiraptophobia Chiraptophobie
chirashi-sushi Chirashi-Sushi
chirashizushi Chirashi-Sushi
Chire Shire
Chireix-Mesny antenna Zickzackantenne
chirinda apalis Chirindafeinsänger
Chirinkotan Tschirinkotan
chiriqui yellowthroat Panamagelbkehlchen
Chiriqu¡ Ainu
Chiriquí Province Chiriquí
chirography schöne Schreibschrift
chiromancer Handleser
chiromancy Chiromantie
Chiron Cheiron
Chironex fleckeri Seewespe
Chironico Chironico TI
chironomid Zuckmücke
Chironomidae Zuckmücken
chironomids Zuckmücken
chiropodist Fußpfleger
chiropodists Fußpfleger
chiropody Fußpflege
chiropractic Chiropraktik
chiropractic therapy Chirotherapie
chiropractics Chiropraktik
chiropractor Chiropraktiker
chiropractors Chiropraktiker
chiropteran Flattertiere
chiropterophily Chiropterophilie
chiroptophobia Chiroptophobie
chirospasm Chirospasmus
chirotherapy Chirotherapie
chirp zwitschern
chirp linearity Chirp-Linearität
chirp signal Chirp-Signal