English German
closing time Schluss
closing times Schlusszeiten
closing with masonry zumauernd
closing words Schlußwort
closing-down Auflösung
closing-down sale Ausverkauf
closing-down sales Räumungsverkäufe
closing-in Anflug
closing-out sale Schlußverkauf
closing-time Feierabend
closings during the winter Wintersperren
closings of accounts Rechnungsabschlüsse
closings the cash accounts Kassenabschlüsse
closiramine Closiramin
closly eng
Closteroviridae Closteroviren
closterovirus Closterovirus
closteroviruses Closteroviren
clostridial myonecrosis Gasgangrän
clostridiosis Clostridiose
Clostridium difficile colitis , CDC Clostridium-difficile-Colitis , CDC
Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea , CDAD Clostridium-difficile-assoziierte Diarrhö , CDAD
Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea , CDAD Clostridium-difficile-assoziierte Diarrhö , CDAD
Clostridium tetani Clostridium tetani
closure schließen
closure bolt Verschlussbolzen
closure costs Schließungskosten
closure due to heat Hitzefrei
closure head Deckelkalotte
closure lid Abschlussscheibe
closure lids Abschlussscheiben
closure member Abschlusskörper
closure members Abschlusskörper
closure of a company Firmenschliessung
closure of a firm Betriebsstilllegung
closure of an establishment Schliessung eines Unternehmens
closure of fist Faustschluss
closure of the grave Grabschließung
closure point Berührpunkt
closure points Berührpunkte
closure rail Backenschiene
closure relation Abgeschlossenheitsrelation
closure ring Verschlussring
closure sealing cord Dichtungsschnur
closure system Verschluss-System
closure temperature Schliessungstemperatur
closure theorem Schliessungssatz
closured verschlossen
closures schließt
closuring verschließend
clot Flasche
clot formation Gerinnselbildung
clot observation test Gerinnselbeobachtung
clot of blood Gerinnsel
clot retraction Gerinnselretraktion
clot retraction time Gerinnselretraktionszeit
clot roof Nachfalldach
clot-like gerinnselartig
clotburs Kletten
cloth Stoff
cloth bag Stofftasche
cloth bag filter Gewebeschlauchfilter
cloth bags Stoffbeutel
cloth bucket Stoffsitz
cloth bush garnieren
cloth cap Stoffkappe
cloth catcher Auffangsack
cloth cover Stoffbezug
cloth covers Stoffbezüge
cloth curtain shutter Tuch-Schlitzverschluss
cloth diaper Stoffwindel
cloth examining machine Warenschaumaschine
cloth factory Tuchfabrik
cloth filter Stoff-Filter
cloth folding machine Abtafelmaschine
cloth inspecting machine Warenschaumaschine
cloth inspection machine Warenschaumaschine
cloth jacket Stoffjacke
cloth looking machine Warenschaumaschine
cloth loom Tuchwebstuhl
cloth manufacture Tuchmacherei
cloth manufacturer Tuchmacher
cloth merchant Tuchhändler
cloth mill Tuchfabrik
cloth napkin Stoffwindel
cloth nappies Stoffwindeln
cloth nappy Stoffwindel
cloth pants Stoffhose
cloth printing Stoffdruck
cloth prison Stoffgefängnis
cloth scissors Tuchschere
cloth seal Tuchplombe
cloth seals Tuchplomben
cloth seat Stoffsitz
cloth serviette Stoffserviette
cloth shearing machine Gewebeschermaschine
cloth shoe Tuchschuh
cloth shoes Tuchschuhe
cloth slacks Stoffhose
cloth spreader Stofflegemaschine
cloth temple Breithalter
Cloth trade Hülle
cloth trousers Stoffhose
cloth weaver Leinenweber
cloth weaving loom Tuchwebstuhl
Cloth-cap Proletarier
cloth-curtain shutter Tuch-Schlitzverschluss