English German
common channel signalling Zentralkanalsignalisierung
common channel signalling system Gemeinsames Kanalsignalsystem
common channel transmission Gleichkanalverfahren
common character signalling channel Zentral-Zeichengabekanal
common charges gemeine Figuren
common chickweed Vogelmiere
Common chiffchaff Zilpzalp
Common Chimpanzee Gemeiner Schimpanse
common chinchilla Wollmaus
common chockchafer Feldmaikäfer
common cicadabird Mönchsraupenfänger
common clothes moth Kleidermotte
common clouded yellow Achter
common clover Rotklee
common cold Erkältung
common cold research Erkältungsforschung
common cold virus Erkältungsvirus
common cold viruses Erkältungsviren
common colds Erkältungen
common collector Kollektorschaltung
common collector circuit Kollektorschaltung
common collector connection Emitterfolger
common comfrey Himmelsbrot
common commercial policy Gemeinsame Handelspolitik
common communication support Gemeinsame Kommunikationsunterstützung
common comphrey Himmelsbrot
common control Zentralsteuerung
common control channel Kanäle mit gemeinsamer Steuerung
Common Coquí Coquí
common core Pflichtfächer
common corn salad Mausohr
common corundum gemeiner Korund
Common Cottongrass Schmalblättriges Wollgras
common council Gemeinderat
common council decision Gemeinderatsbeschluss
common council decisions Gemeinderatsbeschlüsse
common councils Gemeinderäte
common cowslip Echte Schlüsselblume
common cranberry Gewöhnliche Moosbeere
common crane Kranich
common crime allgemeine Kriminalität
common criminal gewöhnliche Kriminelle
Common Criteria Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation
Common Crossbill Fichtenkreuzschnabel
common crossing Herz
common crow-pheasant Heckenkuckuck
common crowned pigeon Gewöhnliche Krontaube
common cuckoo Kuckuck
common curlew Großer Brachvogel
common currency Gemeinschaftswährung
Common Cuttlefish Gewöhnlicher Tintenfisch
Common Czech Gemeintschechisch
Common dab Kliesche
Common dace Hasel
common daisies Magerwiesen-Margeriten
common daisy Gänseblümchen
common dandelion Löwenzahn
Common Darter Große Heidelibelle
common decency Abstand
common defence policy gemeinsame Verteidigungspolitik
common degu Gewöhnlicher Degu
common degus Gewöhnliche Degus
common delphinula Delfinschnecke
common denominator gemeinsamer Nenner
common dentex Zahnbrasse
Common descent Urvorfahr
Common Desktop Environment Common Desktop Environment
Common Development and Distribution License Common Development and Distribution License
common devil's-bit Gewöhnliche Teufelsabbiss
common dewberry Kratzbeere
common diuca finch Braunsteißdiuca
common diving petrel Lummensturmvogel
common divisor gemeinsamer Teiler
Common Dogwood Blutroter Hartriegel
common dolphinfish Gemeine Goldmakrele
common dolphins Gemeine Delfine
common dor beetle Gemeiner Mistkäfer
common dormice Haselmäuse
common dormouse Haselmaus
common drain connection Drainanschluß
common duckweed kleine Wasserlinse
Common Duiker Kronenducker
common dump line gemeinsame Abblaseleitung
common Dutch agrimony Gewöhnlicher Wasserdost
Common Dwarf Mongoose Zwergmangusten
common eagle ray Gewöhnlicher Adlerrochen
common eczema vulgäres Ekzem
Common Egg-eater Gewöhnliche Eierschlange
Common Eider Eiderente
common eland Elenantilope
common elder Flieder
common emitter Emitterschaltung
common emitter circuit Emitterschaltung
common enemy gemeinsamer Feind
Common Era n. Chr.
Common ethanol fuel mixtures Gasohol
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen
common European limpet Gemeine Napfschnecke
Common evenig primrose Onager
common evening primrose Gemeine Nachtkerze
common evening-primrose Gemeine Nachtkerze
common evil verbreitetes Übel
common example gängiges Beispiel
common factor gemeinsamer Teiler
common factor variance Varianz der gemeinsamen Faktoren
common fenugreek Griechischer Bockshornklee
common feverfew Mädchenblume
Common fibular nerve Nervus peroneus communis
common field brauner Grashüpfer
common field grasshopper Brauner Grashüpfer