English German
compositor Setzer
compositor-pressman Schweizerdegen
compositor-printer Schweizerdegen
compositron Compositron
compossible kompossibel
compost Erde
compost aeration Kompostbelüftung
compost heap Komposthaufen
compost heaps Komposthaufen
compost maker Komposter
compost makers Komposter
compost of plant waste Pflanzenabfallkompost
compost pile Komposthaufen
compost piles Komposthaufen
Compost production Kompostierung
compost soil Komposterde
compost treatment Kompostbehandlung
compost-maker Komposter
compostable kompostierbar
compostable plastic Biokunststoff
compostable waste kompostierbarer Abfall
composted kompostiert
Compostela Valley Compostela Valley
composter Komposter
composting Rotte
composting bin Bio-Abfalltonne
composting by producer Eigenkompostierung
composting plant Kompostieranlage
composting process Kompostierverfahren
composting station Kompostierungsanlage
Composting toilet Komposttoilette
composure Selbstbeherrschung
compotation Gelage
compotator Zechkumpan
compote Eingemachte
compotes Kompottschalen
compound verbinden
compound armor Compound-Panzerung
compound armour Compound-Panzerung
compound attack zusammengesetzter Angriff
compound augmented fifth übermässige Duodezime
compound augmented fourth übermässige Undezime
compound complex sentence Reihe von Satzgefügen
compound complex sentences Reihen von Satzgefügen
compound computation of interest Zinseszinsrechnung
compound connection Verbundschaltung
compound deck Verbunddeck
compound die Verbundwerkzeug
compound diminished fifth verminderte Duodezime
compound diminished fourth verminderte Undezime