English German
computer Kiste
Computer accessibility Barrierefreiheit
computer addiction Computersucht
computer advice Computerberatung
computer age Computer-Zeitalter
computer aid Rechnerunterstützung
computer aided communication Computerunterstützte Kommunikation
computer aided design CAD
computer aided development CAD
computer aided engineering Computerunterstützte Entwicklung
computer aided inventory and maintenance CAIM
computer aided lighting Computer Aided Lighting
computer aided manufacturing CAM
computer aided modelling Rechnergestützte Modellerstellung
computer aided office Verwaltungsaufgaben mit dem Computer
computer aided planning rechnergestütztes Planen
computer aided publishing CAP
computer aided quality control CAQ
computer aided telescope , CAT computergestütztes Teleskop
computer aided testing CAT
computer aided testing , CAT computerunterstütztes Testen
Computer algebra system Computer-Algebra-System
computer algebra system , CAS Computer-Algebra-System , CAS
computer amateur Computer-Amateur
Computer and video game genres Genre
Computer and video games Computerspiel
computer animation Animation
computer animation software Computeranimationssoftware
computer application Computeranwendung
computer applications Rechneranwendung
computer architecture Rechnerarchitektur
computer arithmetic Schaltalgebra
computer art Computerkunst
computer assistance Rechnerunterstützung
Computer assisted Computerunterstützt
computer assisted software engineering automatische Programmierung
computer assisted testing , CAT computerunterstütztes Testen
computer awarness Computer-Verständnis
computer based learning computer-unterstütztes Lernen
computer based message systems Nachrichtensysteme auf Computerbasis
computer board Computerboard
computer boff Computerexperte
computer boffin Computerexperte
computer boffins Computer-Versessene
computer buff Computerexperte
computer bus Bus
computer business equipment manufactures association Vereinigung der Hersteller für kommerzielle Computerausrüstung
computer cabinet Computergehäuse
computer cable Computerkabel
computer cables Computerkabel
computer calculation Computerberechnung
computer calculations Computerberechnungen
computer case Computergehäuse
computer cash register Computerkasse
computer cassette Computerkassette
computer center Rechenzentrum
computer centre Rechenzentrum
computer centres Rechenzentren
computer chap Computerfritze
computer chassis Computergehäuse
computer chip Chip
Computer cluster Computercluster
computer clusters Rechnerverbünde
computer code Maschinensprache
computer communication Rechnerkommunikation
computer communication service Datenübermittlungsdienst
computer company Computerfirma
Computer compatibility Abwärtskompatibilität
computer component Computerkomponente
computer composition Computersatz
computer conference Computerkonferenz
computer conferencing Computerkonferenz
Computer configuration Konfiguration
computer connector Computerstecker
computer construction Computerbau
computer control Computersteuerung
computer controlled computergesteuert
computer controlled switching system rechnergesteuertes Vermittlungssystem
Computer cooling Prozessorkühler
computer crash Absturz
computer crime Computerverbrechen
computer criminality Computerkriminalität
computer data logging systems Datenerfassungssysteme
computer data storage Computer-Datenspeicher
computer department Computerabteilung
computer departments Computerabteilungen
computer dependent computerabhängig
computer design Computerentwicklung
computer desk Computertisch
computer dictionary Computerwörterbuch
computer diode Schaltdiode
Computer display Bildschirm
Computer display standard Grafikstandard
computer drawing Computerzeichnung
computer drive Computerlaufwerk
computer electronics Rechnerelektronik
computer embroidery machine Computerstickmaschine
computer enclosure Computergehäuse
computer engineer Computeringenieur
computer engineering Computertechnik