English German
credit financing Kreditfinanzierung
credit flow Kreditfluss
credit flows Kreditflüsse
credit for an unlimited period unbefristeter Kredit
credit form Kreditformular
credit formation Kreditschöpfung
credit framework Kreditrahmen
credit fraud Kreditbetrug
credit freeze Kreditsperre
credit gap Kreditlücke
credit granted gewährter Kredit
credit granted by suppliers Lieferantenkredit
credit grantor Kreditgeber
credit grantors Kreditgeber
credit growth Kreditwachstum
credit guarantee Kreditbürgschaft
credit guarantee fund Kreditgarantiefonds
credit guideline Kreditrichtlinie
credit guidelines Kreditrichtlinien
credit history Bonitätsgeschichte
credit hours Semesterwochenstunden , SWS
credit in blank Blankokredit
credit in use beanspruchter Kredit
credit indication Guthabenanzeige
credit information Kreditauskunft
credit information automat Kontoauszugsautomat
credit injection Kreditspritze
credit installment Kreditrate
credit installments Kreditraten
credit institute Kreditinstitut
credit institutes Kreditanstalten
credit institution Kreditinstitut
credit institutions Kreditanstalten
credit instrument Kreditinstrument
credit instruments unbare Zahlungsmittel
Credit insurance Kreditversicherung
credit insurance company Kreditversicherungsgesellschaft
credit insurer Kreditversicherer
credit interest Habenzins
credit investigation Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung
credit investigation company Schufa
credit item Gutschrift
credit items Aktivposten
credit limit Kreditlinie
credit limits Kreditlimits
Credit line Kreditlinie
credit lines Kreditlinien
credit margin Kreditgrenze
credit market Kreditmarkt
Credit Memo Gutschrift
credit memorandum Gutschrift
credit memorandums Gutschriften
credit memos Gutschriften
credit method for income received from abroad Anrechnungsmethode für Einkünfte aus ausländischen Quellen
credit minutes Gesprächsguthaben
credit model Kreditmodell
credit money Buchgeld
credit multiplier Giralgeldschöpfungsmultiplikator
credit not supported by mortgage Kredit ohne hypothekarische Sicherheit
credit note Gutschrift
credit notes Gutscheine
credit of one billion dollars or more Milliardenkredit
credit of one billion euros or more Milliardenkredit
credit of one billion pounds or more Milliardenkredit
credit of one million dollars or more Millionenkredit
credit of one million euros or more Millionenkredit
credit of one million pounds or more Millionenkredit