English German
Degree Confluence Project Degree Confluence Project
Degree course Bachelor
degree course scheme Studienplan
degree days Gradtage
degree dissertation Diplomarbeit
degree Engler Engler-Grad
degree expression Gradangabe
degree Fahrenheit Grad Fahrenheit
degree mill Titelmühle
degree Oechsle Oechslegrad
degree of abstraction Abstraktionsgrad
degree of accumulation Akkumulationsgrad
degree of affinity Verwandtschaftsgrad
degree of arc Bogengrad
degree of automation Automatisierungsgrad
degree of bleaching Bleichgrad
degree of building coverage Maß der baulichen Nutzung
degree of coalification Inkohlungsgrad
degree of coldness Kältegrad
degree of compaction Verdichtungsgrad
degree of comparison Steigerungsstufe
degree of completion Fertigstellungsgrad
degree of compliance Erfüllungsgrad
degree of compression Verpressungsgrad
degree of concentration Konzentrationsgrad
degree of consolidation Verdichtungsgrad
degree of contamination Grad der Verseuchung
degree of contraction Schrumpfmaß
degree of coupling Kopplungsgrad
degree of coverage Dominanz
degree of dependency Abhängigkeitsgrad
degree of difficulty Schwierigkeitsgrad
degree of disablement Gebrechlichkeitsgrad
degree of doneness Garstufe
degree of efficiency Wirkungsgrad
degree of emission Emissionsgrad
degree of enrichment Anreicherungsgrad
degree of filling Füllgrad
degree of fineness Ausmahlungsgrad
degree of firmness Festigkeitsklassen
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad
degree of gloss Glanzgrad
degree of hardness Härtegrad
degree of humidity Feuchtegrad
degree of inbreeding Inzuchtgrad
degree of ingenuity Erfindungshöhe
degree of inherent regulation Ausgleichsgrad
degree of integration Integrationsgrad
degree of intergrowth Verwachsungsgrad
degree of latitude Breitengrad
degree of longitud Längengrad
degree of longitude Längengrad
degree of maturity Reifegrad
degree of metamorphism Metamorphosegrad
degree of modulation Modulationsgrad
degree of naturalisation Einbürgerungsgrad
degree of naturalization Einbürgerungsgrad
degree of obsolescence Veralterungsgrad
degree of order Ordnungsgrad
degree of oxidation Oxidationsstufe
degree of peat formation Vertorfungsgrad
degree of penetration Härte
degree of plasmolysis Plasmolysegrad
degree of polarisation Polarisationsgrad
degree of pollution Schadstoffbelastung
Degree of polymerization Polymerisationsgrad
degree of presence Stetigkeit
degree of priority Dringlichkeitsstufe
degree of probability Wahrscheinlichkeitsgrad
degree of protection Schutzart
degree of purity Reinheitsgrad
degree of relationship Verwandtschaftsgrad
degree of ripeness Reifegrad
Degree of Risk Der Grad des Risikos
degree of roundness Zurundungsgrad
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad
degree of sizing Leimungsgrad
degree of specialisation Spezialisierungsgrad
degree of specialization Spezialisierungsgrad
degree of symmetry Symmetriegrad
degree of tannage Durchgerbungszahl
degree of the filter Filtergrad
degree of the scale Tonleiterstufe
degree of truth Wahrheitsgehalt
degree of urgency Dringlichkeitsstufe
degree of utilization Auslastung
degree of vitality Vitalitätsgrad
degree of wear Verschleißgrad
degree sign Grad-Zeichen
Degree symbol Gradzeichen
degrees Grad
degrees Fahrenheit Grad Fahrenheit
degrees of comparison Steigerungsstufe
degrees of drying Trocknungsgrade
degrees of emission Emissionsgrade
degrees of freedom Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade
degrees of hardness Härtegrade
degrees of inbreeding Inzuchtgrade
degrees of longitude Längengrade
degrees of priority Dringlichkeitsstufen
degrees of stimulation Reizungsstadien
degrees of urgency Dringlichkeitsstufen
degrees Scheiner Scheinergrade
degression Abnahme
degressive degressiv
degressive tax gestaffelte Steuer
Degtyarev light machine gun DA
Degtyaryov light machine gun DA
degu Degu
degum silk Seide entbasten
degummed silk entbastete Seide
degumming fastness Entbastungsechtheit
degumming of silk Seidenentbasten
degus Degus
Degussa Degussa
degust degustieren
degustation Degustation
degusted degustiert
degusting degustierend
dehairing Depilation
deheader Köpfmaschine
Deheubarth Deheubarth
dehiscent aufplatzend
dehiscent fruit Springfrucht
dehiscent fruits Springfrüchte
Dehmsee Dehmsee
Dehnung stretch