English German
eldest älteste
Eldest son Majorat
Eldfell Eldfell
Eldin Jakupović Eldin Jakupović
Eldingen Eldingen
eldorado Eldorado
Eldorado Department Departamento Eldorado
Eldoret Eldoret
eldritch unheimlich
Eleanor Eleonore
Eleanor Gonzaga Eleonora Magdalena Gonzaga von Mantua-Nevers
Eleanor Hibbert Eleanor Hibbert
Eleanor Marx Eleanor Marx
Eleanor of Aquitaine Eleonore von Aquitanien
Eleanor of Arborea Eleonora di Arborea
Eleanor of Castile Eleonore von Kastilien
Eleanor of England Eleonore Plantagenet
Eleanor of Guzman Leonor de Guzman
Eleanor of Habsburg Eleonore von Österreich
Eleanor of Navarre Eleonore von Navarra
Eleanor of Provence Eleonore von der Provence
Eleanor of Woodstock Eleonore Plantagenet
Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleatic eleatisch
Eleatic philosophy Eleatische Philosophie
Eleatics Eleaten
Eleazar Eleasar
Eleazar Kalir Elasar ha-Qallir
Elebits Eledees
elecampane Alant
elect beschließen
elect (as erküren
elect sb. to an office jdn. in ein Amt wählen
elect to be taxed as a group für eine Gruppenbesteuerung optieren
elect to do sth. sich entschließen, etw. zu tun
elect, chosen auserwählt
electable wählbar
elected erwählt
elected dictatorship Demokratur
elected government gewählte Regierung
electing erkürend
election Entscheidung
election ad Wahlkampfspot
election advertisement Wahlkampfspot
election analysis Wahlanalyse
election analyst Wahlanalytiker
election announcement Wahlaufruf
election battle cry Wahlkampfslogan
election board Wahlvorstand
election boards Wahlvorstände
election boycott Wahlboykott
election by secret ballot geheime Wahl
election campaign Wahlkampf
election campaign for the Bundestag Bundestagswahlkampf
election campaign manager Wahlkampfmanager
election campaign managers Wahlkampfmanager
election campaigner Wahlhelferin
election campaigners Wahlhelferinnen
election campaigns Wahlkämpfe
election caucus Serie hierarischer Parteiklausuren zur Nominierung von Kandidaten
election committee Wahlausschuss
election committees Wahlausschüsse
election contest Wahlkampf
election crisis Wahlkrise
election day Wahltag
election day is pay day Wahltag ist Zahltag
election day poll Wahltagsbefragung
election day polls Wahltagsbefragungen
election debacle Wahldebakel
election defeat Wahlniederlage
election defeats Wahlniederlagen
election endorsement Wahlempfehlung
election endorsements Wahlempfehlungen
election eve Wahlabend
election evening Wahlabend
election fever Wahlfieber
election for the third term Wahl für die dritte Amtsperiode
election fraud Wahlbetrug
election funding Wahlfinanzierung
election gift Wahlgeschenk
election gimmick Wahltrick
election in contest angefochtene Wahl
election manifesto Wahlprogramm
election manifestos Wahlprogramme
election monitoring Wahlbeobachtung
election night Wahlabend
election night party Party am Wahlabend
election observation Wahlbeobachtung
election observer Wahlbeobachter
election observers Wahlbeobachter
election of the committee Wahl des Vorstands
election of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage Direktwahl des europäischen Parlaments
election of the management board Vorstandswahl
election office Wahlbüro
election official Wahlleiter
election officials Wahlleiter
election platform Wahltribüne
election pledge Wahlversprechen
election poster Wahlplakat
election posters Wahlplakate
election prediction Wahlvorhersage
election promise Wahlversprechen
election propaganda Wahlpropaganda
election prospects Wahlaussichten
election rally Wahlversammlung
Election result Wahlergebnis
election results Wahlergebnis
election returns Wahlergebnis
election rigging Wahlmanipulation
election riggings Wahlmanipulationen
election secrecy Wahlgeheimnis
election setback Wahlschlappe
election setbacks Wahlschlappen
election slogan Wahlparole
election Sunday Wahlsonntag
Election threshold Sperrklausel
election victories Wahlsiege
election victory Wahlsieg
election watchdog Wahlbeobachter