English German
Ephesus Ephesus
Ephialtes Ephialtes
Ephialtes of Athens Ephialtes
Ephialtes of Trachis Ephialtes von Trachis
ephidrosis übermäßiges Schwitzen
Ephippidae Spatenfische
Ephippiorhynchus Großstörche
ephitese Ephitese
Ephor Ephoren
Ephorus Ephoros von Kyme
Ephraem the Syrian Ephräm der Syrer
Ephraim Efraim
Ephraim Chambers Ephraim Chambers
Ephraim Katzir Ephraim Katzir
Ephraim Kishon Ephraim Kishon
Ephrata Ephrata
Ephraïm Inoni Ephraim Inoni
Ephrem the Syrian Ephräm der Syrer
epi-base transistor Epibasis-Transistor
epibiont Epibiont
epic Epos
Epic Cycle Epischer Zyklus
epic drama episches Drama
Epic film Monumentalfilm
epic laughter homerisches Gelächter
epic literature Epik
Epic metal Epic Metal
Epic Movie Fantastic Movie
Epic of Gilgamesh Gilgamesch-Epos
Epic of King Gesar Gesser Chan
Epic of Manas Manas
epic poem Epos
epic poetry Epik
EPIC process EPIC-Verfahren
Epic theater Episches Theater
epic trance Epic Trance
Epic work Epos
epical episch
epically episch
Epicanthal fold Epikanthus medialis
epicardium Epikard
epicaricacy Schadenfreude
epicene name geschlechtsneutraler Name
epicenter Mittelpunkt
epicenters Epizentren
epicentral determination Epizentralbestimmung
epicentre Mittelpunkt
epicentres Epizentren
Epicharmus of Kos Epicharmos
epichlorohydrin Epichlorhydrin
epichlorohydrin , ECH Epichlorhydrin , ECH
epicist Epiker
epicists Epiker
epiclesis Epiklese
epicocconone Epicocconon
epicondylar fracture Epikondylenfraktur
epicondylitis Epikondylitis
epicontinental epikontinental
epicormic shoot Wasserschoss
epicranial muscle Schädeldachmuskel
epicranius Schädeldachmuskel
epicranius muscle Schädeldachmuskel
epicrisis Epikrise
epics Epik
Epictetus Epiktet
epicure Feinschmecker
epicurean epikureisch
Epicureanism Epikureismus
epicurism Genusssucht
epicurrent Oberflächenströmung
Epicurus Epikur
epicuticular wax Epikutikularwachs
epicuticular wax , EW epikutikuläres Wachs , EW
epicycle Epizykel
epicyclic gear Planetengetriebe
epicyclic gearbox Planetengetriebe
Epicyclic gearing Planetengetriebe
epicycloid Epizykloid
epicycloids Epizykloiden
Epidaurus Epidauros
epidemic Epidemie
epidemic control Seuchenkontrolle
epidemic disease Seuche
epidemic diseases Seuchen
epidemic eradication Seuchentilgung
epidemic hepatitis Hepatitis contagiosa
epidemic jaundice epidemische Gelbsucht
epidemic meningitis Hirnhautentzündung
epidemic parotitis Parotitis epidemica
epidemic plague Seuche
epidemic plagues Seuchen
epidemic roseola Röteln
epidemic typhus Läusefleckfieber
epidemic typhus fever Tabardillofieber
epidemic vomiting Bradley-Krankheit
epidemically epidemisch
epidemics Seuchen
epidemiological epidemiologisch
epidemiologist Epidemiologe
epidemiology Epidemiologie
epidermal epidermal
epidermal and flesh layers Fleischbehang
epidermal cyst epidermale Zyste
Epidermal growth factor Epidermal Growth Factor
epidermal growth factor , EGF epidermaler Wachstumsfaktor
Epidermal growth factor receptor EGF-Rezeptor
epidermal growth factor receptor , EGFR EGF-Rezeptor
epidermal scale Hautschuppe
epidermal scales Hautschuppen
epidermal tumor epidermaler Tumor
epidermal tumour epidermaler Tumor
epidermic die Oberhaut betreffend
epidermis Epidermis
epidermization Überhäutung
epidermodysplasia verruciformis , EV Epidermodysplasia verruciformis , EV
epidermoid carcinoma spinozelluläres Karzinom
epidermoid cyst Epidermoidzyste
epidermolysis Epithelablösung
Epidermolysis bullosa Epidermolysis bullosa
epidermolysis bullosa atrophicans Epidermolysis bullosa atrophicans
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
epididymal cyst epididymale Zyste
epididymal tumor Nebenhodengeschwulst
epididymal tumour Nebenhodengeschwulst
epididymides Nebenhoden
epididymis Epididymus
epididymitis Epididymitis
Epididymo-orchitis Epididymitis
epidote Epidot
epidote- Epidot-
epidotize epidotisieren
epidotized epidotisiert
epidotizing epidotisierend
epidural epidural
epidural abscess Epiduralabszess
epidural anaesthesia Epiduralanästhesie
epidural anesthesia Epiduralanästhesie
epidural bleeding Blutung in den Epiduralraum
epidural empyema epidurale Eiteransammlung
epidural haematoma epidurales Hämatom