English German
flat-bar iron Flacheisen
flat-bar steel Flachstahl
flat-base rim Flachbettfelge
flat-bed ... Flachbett...
flat-bed construction Flachbettausführung
flat-bed image-setter Flachbettbelichter
flat-bed laminating machine Flachbett-Kaschiermaschine
flat-bed machine Flachbettmaschine
flat-bed plotter Flachbettplotter
flat-bed press Flachbettmaschine
flat-bed printing machine Flachbettmaschine
flat-bed scale Flachbettwaage
flat-bed scanner Flachbettscanner
flat-bed screen printing machine Flachfilm-Druckmaschine
flat-bed sewing machine Flachbett-Nähmaschine
flat-bed trailer Pritschenanhänger
flat-bed trailers Pritschenanhänger
flat-billed kingfisher Flachschnabelliest
flat-billed vireo Schnäppervireo
flat-bottom boat Plattboot
flat-bottom ship Plattbodenschiff
flat-bottomed flach
flat-bottomed boat Plattboot
Flat-bottomed rowboat Einbaum
flat-bottomed ship Plattbodenschiff
flat-bread Fladenbrot
flat-bulb mushroom Dünnfleischiger Anis-Champignon
flat-bulb steel Flachwulststahl
flat-car Flachwagen
flat-chested flachbrüstig
flat-chested girl flachbrüstiges Mädchen
flat-chested woman flachbrüstige Frau
flat-coil instrument Flachspulinstrument
flat-die forging Freiformschmieden
flat-feet Plattfüße
flat-felled seam Kappnaht
flat-file data base Flat-File-Datenbank
flat-file database Flat-File-Datenbank
flat-foot Plattfuß
flat-footed unvorbereitet
flat-footed flies Tummelfliegen
flat-footed fly Tummelfliege
flat-head rivet Flachkopfniet
flat-head rivets Flachkopfnieten
flat-head screw Senkkopfschraube
flat-head screws Flachkopfschrauben
flat-headed cat Flachkopfkatze
flat-headed kusimanse Flachkopf-Kusimanse
flat-headed rail Flachschiene
flat-iron Bügeleisen
flat-irons Plätteisen
flat-leaf parsley glattblättrige Petersilie
flat-leaved vanilla Echte Vanille
flat-lying stratum flachliegende Schicht
flat-mate Mitbewohner, Mitbewohnerin
flat-matrix transformer Flachmatrixtransformator
flat-nose pliers Klemmzange
flat-nose pliers for horologists Flachzange für Uhrmacher
flat-nose pliers with cutting edge Flachzange mit Schneide
flat-nose tongs Flachzange
flat-panel display Flachbildschirm
flat-panel monitor Flachbildschirm
flat-panel screen Flachbildschirm
flat-plate collector Flachkollektor
flat-plate solar collector flacher Sonnenkollektor
flat-racing season Flachrennsaison
flat-rate linear
flat-rate fee Pauschalhonorar
flat-rate guarantee Pauschalbürgschaft
flat-rate system Pauschalgebührensystem
flat-rate tariff Pauschalgebühr
flat-rate tax Einheitssteuer
flat-roofed mit Flachdach versehen
flat-screen Flachbildschirm
flat-screen TV Flachbildfernseher
flat-seat valve Flachsitzventil
flat-sharing community Wohngemeinschaft
flat-tailed geckos Blattschwanzgeckos
flat-top antenna Aperturantenne
flat-top goldentop grasblättrige Goldrute
flat-topped aster Doldige Aster
flat-topped mountain Tafelberg
flat-type battery Flachbatterie
flat-type relay Flachrelais
Flatback Turtle Wallriffschildkröte
flatbed Pritsche
flatbed body Pritsche
flatbed car Plattformwagen
flatbed die cutter Flachbettstanze
flatbed die-cutter Flachbettstanze
flatbed machine Flachbettmaschine
flatbed mounting Flachbettbefestigung
flatbed plotter Flachbettplotter
flatbed scanner Flachbett-Abtastsystem
flatbed scanning system Flachbett-Abtastsystem
flatbed sewing machine Flachbett-Nähmaschine
flatbed trailer Pritschenanhänger
flatbed trailers Pritschenanhänger
flatbed truck Pritschenwagen
flatboat Flachboot
flatboats Flachboote
flatbread Fladenbrot
flatbug Rindenwanze
flatcables Flachbandkabel
flatcar Flachwagen
flatdeck Pritsche
Flatey in Breiðafjörður Flatey
Flatey in Skjálfandi Flatey
Flateyjarbók Flateyjarbók
flatfelled seam Kappnaht
flatfile Textdatei
flatfish Plattfisch
flatfoot Bulle
Flatfoot Goes East Buddy in Hongkong
Flatfoot in Africa Plattfuss in Afrika
Flatfoot in Egypt Plattfuss am Nil
Flatfoot in Hong Kong Buddy in Hongkong
Flatfoot on the Nile Plattfuss am Nil
flatfooted unvorbereitet
flatfooted person Plattfußindianer
flathead Flachkopf
flathead cat shark Flachköpfiger Katzenhai
Flathead catshark Flachköpfiger Katzenhai
Flathead engine SV
Flathead grey mullet Meeräsche
Flathead grey mullets Meeräschen
Flathead Indians Flathead
Flathead Lake Flathead Lake
Flathead mullet Maulesel
flathead rivet Flachkopfniet
flathead rivets Flachkopfnieten
flathead screw Flachkopfschraube
flathead screws Flachkopfschrauben
flatheads Entenwale
flatiron Bügeleisen
Flatiron Building Flatiron Building
flatland Flachland
flatlander Flachländer
flatlet Appartement
flatline sterben
Flatliners Flatliners - Ein schöner Tag zum Sterben