English German
full automation Vollautomatisierung
full availability volle Erreichbarkeit
full back Schlussspieler
full backup Vollsicherung
full backups Vollsicherungen
full barrier Vollschranke
full barrier with skirt Schranke mit Hängestäben
full bast voll
full beam Fernlicht
full beard Vollbart
full beards Vollbärte
full blood Vollblut
full board Vollpension
full board, board and lodging VP : Vollpension
full boat pose volle Bootsstellung
full body massage Ganzkörpermassage
full bosom fülliger Busen
full bosomed vollbusig
full brake application Vollbremsung
full braking Vollbremsung
Full breakfast Englisches Frühstück
full breasts draller Busen
full breath Vollatmung
full bridge Vollbrücke
full bridge circuit Vollbrückenschaltung
full brother leiblicher Bruder
full brothers and sisters Vollgeschwister
full capacity stage Endausbau
full catalog Gesamtkatalog
full catalogue Gesamtkatalog
full circle Vollwinkel
full circles Vollkreise
full closure Vollsperrung
full cock Spannrast
Full communion Kirchengemeinschaft
full composite storage Vollkompositspeicher
full comprehensive cover Kasko
full comprehensive insurance Vollkaskoversicherung
Full contact karate Vollkontakt
full costs Vollkosten
full coverage Flächendeckung
full coverage collision insurance vollgedeckte Kaskoversicherung
full crown Vollkrone
full cup bra Vollschalen-BH
full custom voll kundesspezifisch
full custom IC Full-custom
full deflection of the rudder pedal vollausgeschlagenes Seitenruder
full denture wearer Vollgebissträger
full description ausführliche Beschreibung
full discharge Vollentladung
full distribution Totalstreuung
full dog point Zapfen
full dress Gesellschaftsanzug
full dress rehearsal Generalprobe
full dress uniform Galauniform
full duplex Duplexbetrieb
full duplex data communication beidseitige Datenübermittlung
full duplex Ethernet Full-Duplex-Ethernet
full duplex FDDI Full-Duplex-FDDI
full duplex Gigabit Ethernet Full-Duplex-Gigabit-Ethernet
full duplex mode Duplexbetrieb
full duplex operation Duplexbetrieb
full duplex Token Ring Full-Duplex-Token-Ring
full duty Vollast
full echo suppressor Vollechosperre