English German
head lock nut Abschlussmutter
head lock nuts Abschlussmuttern
head louse Kopflaus
head lug Steuerkopfmuffe
head lugs Steuerkopfmuffen
head magnifier Stirnlupe
head meter Zuflussmesser
head miner Grubensteiger
head mirror Stirnspiegel
head mirrors Stirnspiegel
head money Kopfgeld
Head mould Kapuzinerkresse
head movement Kopfbewegung
head nurse Oberpfleger
head of Stück
head of a family Oberhaupt einer Familie
head of a letter Briefkopf
head of a missile Kopf eines Flugkörpers
head of a synod Präses
head of administration Verwaltungsleiter
head of an office Amtleiterin
head of an ox Ochsenkopf
head of blond Blondmähne
head of blond hair Blondkopf
head of blonde Blondmähne
head of blonde hair Blondkopf
Head of cattle Vieh
head of cultural affairs Kulturdezernent
head of delegation Delegationsleiter
head of department Abteilungsleiter
head of dispatch Leiter der Versandabteilung
head of fair hair Blondkopf
head of femur Oberschenkelkopf
head of form Formularanfang
head of froth Schaumkrone
head of government Regierungschef
head of laboratory Laborleiter
head of lettuce Salatkopf
head of mission Missionschef
head of one's cock Schwanzspitze
head of one's dick Schwanzspitze
head of one's dong Schwanzspitze
head of one's pecker Schwanzspitze
Head of Operations Einsatzchef
head of pancreas Pankreaskopf
head of personnel Personalleiter
head of personnel department Personalleiter
head of police Polizeidirektor