English German
illicit TV viewer Schwarzfernseher
illicit use of drugs before sporting events Doping
illicit work Schwarzarbeit
illicit worker Schwarzarbeiter
illicit workers Schwarzarbeiter
illicitly illegal
illicitly acquired unerlaubt erworben
Illicium Sternanisgewächse
Illiger's macaw Rotrückenara
Illimani Illimani
illimitable unermesslich
illimitableness Grenzlosigkeit
illimitably unermesslich
Illingen Illingen
Illiniwek Illinois
Illiniza Illiniza
Illinois Illinois
Illinois Avenue Opernplatz
Illinois Central Railroad Illinois Central Railroad
Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois River Illinois River
Illinois Territory Illinois
illipe butter Illipe-Fett
illiquid illiquid
illiquidity Zahlungsunfähigkeit
Illite Illit
illiteracy Analphabetentum
illiteracy rate Analphabetenrate
illiterate analphabetisch
illiterately ungebildet
illiterateness Unbildung
illiterates Analphabetinnen
Illizi Province Illizi
Illmenau Illmenau
Illmensee Illmensee
Illmitz Illmitz
Illnau-Effretikon Illnau-Effretikon
illness Erkrankung
illness certificate Krankheitsattest
illness certificates Krankheitsatteste
illocution Illokution
illocutionary illokutionär
illocutionary act illokutiver Akt
illogical unlogisch
illogicality das Unlogische
illogically unlogisch
Illschwang Illschwang
Illuka Parish Illuka
illume erleuchten
illume sb. jdn. erleuchten
illumed erleuchtet
illumes erleuchtet
illuminable aufhellbar
illuminance Beleuchtungsstärke
illuminance level Beleuchtungsstärke
illuminance meter Luxmeter
illuminance photometer Luxmeter
illuminant Leuchte
illuminant charge Leuchtsatz
illuminants Leuchtmittel
illuminate erklären
illuminate (indicator lamp Fernsehbild etc.)
illuminate sth. erleuchten
illuminate sth. evenly etw. gleichmäßig ausleuchten
illuminate sth. with spotlight etw. anstrahlen
illuminate, light beleuchten
illuminated beleuchtet
illuminated base magnifier beleuchtete Standlupe
illuminated desk magnifier beleuchtete Standlupe
illuminated display Leuchtanzeige
illuminated dot Leuchtpunkt
illuminated graticule beleuchtete Strichplatte
illuminated graticule plate beleuchtete Strichplatte
illuminated hair-line graticule beleuchtete Strichplatte
illuminated hairline graticule beleuchtete Strichplatte
illuminated head magnifier beleuchtete Stirnlupe
illuminated headband magnifier beleuchtete Kopfbandlupe
illuminated magnifier Lupenleuchte
illuminated magnifiers Leuchtlupen
illuminated make-up mirror beleuchteter Schminkspiegel
illuminated makeup mirror beleuchteter Schminkspiegel
Illuminated manuscript Buchmalerei
illuminated mirror beleuchteter Spiegel
illuminated optical sight Leuchtoptik
illuminated pocket magnifier beleuchtete Taschen-Lupe
illuminated push button Leuchttaste
illuminated push button switch Leuchtdruckschalter
illuminated road sign beleuchtetes Verkehrsschild
illuminated vanity mirror beleuchteter Kosmetikspiegel
illuminates beleuchtet
Illuminates of Thanateros Illuminaten von Thanateros
illuminating Beleuchtung
illuminating beam Ausleuchtbündel
illuminating bomb Leuchtbombe
illuminating cone Lichtkegel
illuminating gas Leuchtgas
illuminating mirror Beleuchtungsspiegel
illuminating oil Leuchtöl
illuminating projectiles Leuchtgeschosse
illuminating radar Beleuchtungsradar
illuminatingly aufschlussreich
illumination Beleuchtung
illumination advertisement Leuchtreklame
illumination by fiber optics Faseroptikbeleuchtung
illumination circuit coupling Beleuchtungskupplung
illumination cone Beleuchtungskegel
illumination current Hellstrom
illumination efficiency Ausleuchtungswirkungsgrad
illumination engineering Leuchttechnik
illumination lamp Beleuchtungslampe
illumination level Ausleuchtungsgrad
illumination meter Luxmeter
illumination mirror Beleuchtungsspiegel
illumination model Beleuchtungsmodell
illumination models Beleuchtungsmodelle
illumination optics Beleuchtungsoptik
illumination photometer Luxmeter
illumination photometers Beleuchtungsmesser
illumination radar Beleuchtungsradar
illumination resistance Hellwiderstand
illumination spot Ausleuchtzone
Illuminations Illuminationen
illuminative aufklärend