English German
immediate access Instantanzugriff
immediate access memory Hauptspeicher
immediate access store Schnellspeicher
immediate action programme Sofortprogramm
immediate address Literaladresse
immediate addressing Literaladressierung
immediate allergy akute Allergie
immediate annuity Sofortrente
immediate answer Sofortantwort
immediate area Nahbereich
immediate call diversion sofortige Anrufumleitung
immediate care of the newborn in the delivery room Erstversorgung von Neugeborenen im Kreißsaal
immediate cause direkter Grund
immediate constituent unmittelbare Konstituente
immediate constituents analysis IC-Analyse
immediate dialing Sofortwahl
immediate dialling Sofortwahl
immediate effect Soforteffekt
immediate family engste Familie
immediate hypersensitivity immunologische Überempfindlichkeit
immediate instruction Sofortbefehl
immediate measure Sofortmaßnahme
immediate mode Sofortausführung
immediate mode command Direktbefehl
immediate money transfer sofortige Geldüberweisung
immediate objective Nahziel
immediate occupancy sofortiger Einzug
immediate operand Direktoperand
immediate payment sofortige Zahlung
immediate processing Geradewohl-Verarbeitung
immediate prosthesis Immediatprothese
immediate rebate Sofortrabatt
immediate recording Sofortaufnahme
immediate relative direkte Verwandte
immediate relatives direkte Verwandte
immediate reply sofortige Antwort
Immediate response vehicle Vorausrüstwagen
immediate ringing Sofortruf
immediate settlement Sofortsetzung
immediate skip Sofortvorschub
immediate steps sofortige Massnahmen
immediate stop post Schutzhalttafel