English German
loafer Bummler
loafers Slipper
loafing bummelnd
Loafing and Camouflage Tarnen und Täuschen
loafing barn Laufstall
loafing shed Laufstall
loaiasis Loaiasis
loam Ton
loam pit Lehmgrube
loam pits Lehmgruben
loam rendering Lehmputz
loam watery clay Silt
loamiest am lehmigsten
loamy lehmig
loamy soil Lehmboden
loan verleihen
loan account Darlehenskonto
loan accounts Darlehenskonten
loan against borrower's note Schuldscheindarlehen
loan against securities Lombardkredit
loan agreement Leihvertrag
loan agreements Kreditverträge
loan applications Darlehensanträge
loan arrangement Darlehensvereinbarung
loan bank Kasse
loan broker Darlehensvermittler
loan brokers Darlehensvermittler
loan business Darlehensgeschäft
loan calculator Kreditrechner
loan capital Fremdkapital
loan charges Ausleihgebühren
loan claim Kreditforderung
loan claims Kreditforderungen
loan commitment Darlehenszusage
loan commitments Darlehensmittel
loan commutation debt Ablösungsschuld
loan contract Leihvertrag
loan conversion Umschuldung
loan coverage Deckungsgrad
loan deal Ausleihvertrag
loan debt Darlehensschuld
loan default Kreditausfall
loan defaults Kreditausfälle
loan department Kreditabteilung
loan devision Kreditabteilung
loan exposure Kreditengagement
loan facilities Kreditrahmen
loan facility Kreditrahmen
loan fee fraud Kreditvermittlungsbetrug
loan for a third-party account Treuhanddarlehen
loan for consumption Konsumentenkredit
loan for financing stock exchange dealings Börsenkredit
loan for investments Investitionskredit
loan for six months Sechsmonatsgeld
loan fraud Kreditbetrug
loan guarantee Bürgschaft für ein Darlehen
loan installment Darlehensrate
loan installments Darlehensraten
loan interest Darlehenszinsen
loan interest rate Darlehenszinssatz
loan interest rates Kreditzinssätze
loan issuer Darlehensgeber
loan issuers Darlehensgeber
loan loss provision Wertberichtigung
loan money Kreditvaluta
loan not covered by collateral unbesichertes Darlehen
loan of a billion Milliardenanleihe
loan of one billion dollars Darlehen über eine Milliarde Dollar
loan of one billion dollars or more Milliardenkredit
loan of one billion euros Darlehen über eine Milliarde Euro
loan of one billion euros or more Milliardenkredit
loan of one billion pounds Darlehen über eine Milliarde Pfund
loan of one billion pounds or more Milliardenkredit
loan of one million dollars Darlehen über eine Million Dollar
loan of one million dollars or more Millionenkredit
loan of one million euros Darlehen über eine Million Euro
loan of one million euros or more Millionenkredit
loan of one million pounds Darlehen über eine Million Pfund
loan of one million pounds or more Millionenkredit
loan office Kasse
loan officer Darlehensberaterin
loan officers Darlehensberater
loan on a trust basis Treuhandkredit
loan on overdraft Überziehungskredit
loan on policy Policendarlehen
loan on sth. etw. belehnen
loan on stock Effekten-Lombardkredit
loan percentage Beleihungsquote
loan rate Darlehenszinssatz
loan repayment Kreditrückzahlung
loan resources Darlehensquellen
loan running into billions Milliardenanleihe
loan shark Kredithai
loan society Kasse
loan statistics Ausleihstatistik
loan stock Schuldverschreibung
loan stringency Kreditknappheit
loan system Darlehenssystem
loan to verleihen
loan translation Lehnübersetzung
loan translations Lehnübersetzungen
loan upon collateral securities Lombardkredit
loan upon collateral security Lombardkredit
loan value Beleihungswert
loan values Beleihungswerte
loan with generous terms Darlehen mit grosszügigen Bedingungen
loan with low interest Darlehen mit niedrigen Zinsen
loan with no interest zinsloses Darlehen
Loan word Lehnwort
loan words Lehnwörter
loan-shark Kredithai
loan-to-value ratio Beleihungsrate
Loanda Loanda
loaned ausgeliehen
loanee Darlehensnehmer
loaner Gläubiger
loaners Darlehensgeber
loanga slender-billed weaver Loangoweber
loaning Ausleihen
loans Darlehen
loans against borrower's note Schuldscheindarlehen
loans and advances on insurance policies Beleihung von Versicherungspolicen
loans desk Ausleihe
loanshark Kredithai
loanword Lehnwort
Loasaceae Blumennesselgewächse
loath unwillig