English German
logical value logischer Wert
Logical volume management Logical Volume Manager
Logical Volume Manager Logical Volume Manager
logically logisch
logician Logistiker
logicians Logiker
logics Logik
login Anmeldung
login credentials Zugangsdaten
login details Zugangsdaten
login information Anmeldedaten
login name Benutzername
logion Logion
logistic Logistik
logistic chain logistische Kette
Logistic Corps Logistiktruppe
Logistic distribution Logistische Verteilung
Logistic function Logistische Funktion
logistic growth logistisches Wachstum
Logistic map Logistische Gleichung
Logistic regression Logistische Regression
logistic service provider Logistiker
logistic service providers Logistiker
logistic support ship Versorgungsschiff
logistical logistisch
logistical center Logistikzentrum
logistically logistisch
logistician Logistiker
logisticians Logistiker
logistics Logistik
logistics and dispatch department Logistik und Versandmanagement
logistics center Logistikzentrum
logistics centre Logistikzentrum
logistics chain Logistikkette
logistics companies Logistiker
logistics company Logistiker
logistics council Arbeitskreis Logistik
logistics department Logistik
logistics expert Logistiker
logistics industry Logistik-Branche
logistics job Logistik-Job
logistics league Logistikverbund
logistics lobby Logistik-Lobby
logistics location Logistikstandort
logistics locations Logistikstandorte
logistics manager Leiter Logistik
logistics market Logistikmarkt
logistics park Logistik-Park
logistics partner Logistikpartner
logistics partners Logistikpartner
logistics planning Logistikplanung
logistics problem Logistikproblem
logistics problems Logistikprobleme
logistics research Logistikforschung
logistics sector Logistikbereich
logistics service Logistikdienstleistung
logistics services Logistikdienstleistungen
logistics specialist Logistiker
logistics warehouse Logistiklager
logjam Stillstand
Loglan Loglan
logo Abzeichen
Logocentrism Logozentrismus
logoff abmelden
logogram Logogramm
logograph Logogramm
logographic script Logographie
logomachy Haarspalterei
logon Anmeldung
logon mode Anmeldemodus
logon procedure Anmeldeprozedur
logon request Anmeldeanforderung
Logon River Logone
Logone Occidental Prefecture Logone Occidental
Logone Occidental Region Logone Occidental
Logone Oriental Logone Oriental
Logone Oriental Prefecture Logone Oriental
Logone Oriental Region Logone Oriental
logopaedics Stimmheilkunde
logophobia Logophobie
logorrhea Logorrhö
logorrhoea Logorrhö
Logos Logos
Logotherapy Logotherapie
logotom articulation Silbenverständlichkeit
logotype Logo
logotypes Logos
logout Ausdruck
logrolling Kuhhandel
Logroño Logroño
logs Bauholz
logspiral antenna logarithmische Spiralantenne
logwall Blockwand
logwalls Blockwände
logwood Blauholz
logwoods Blutholzbäume
Lohberg Lohberg
Lohengrin Lohengrin
Lohfelden Lohfelden
Lohja Lohja
Lohkirchen Lohkirchen
Lohmar Lohmar
Lohmen Lohmen
Lohn Lohn GR
Lohn-Ammannsegg Lohn-Ammannsegg
Lohne Lohne
Lohnstorf Lohnstorf
Lohr Lohr am Main
Lohr on the Main Lohr am Main
Lohra Lohra
Lohsa Lohsa
Lohtaja Lohtaja
Lohusuu Lohusuu
LOI Absichtserklärung
loiasis Loiasis
Loich Loich
Loiching Loiching
Loie Fuller Loie Fuller
Loikaw Loi-kaw
loin Lende
loin cloth Lendentuch
loin cloths Lendentücher
loin of beef Rinderlende
loin of pork Schweinerücken
loin of pork, pork loin Schweinelende
loin ribs Lendenrippchen
loin roast Lungenbraten
loin-cloth Lendenschurz
loincloth Lendentuch
loincloths Lendenschurze
loins Lenden
Loipersbach im Burgenland Loipersbach im Burgenland
Loipersdorf-Kitzladen Loipersdorf-Kitzladen
loipon Regolith
Loir Loir
Loir-et-Cher Loir-et-Cher
Loire Loire
Loire Region Pays de la Loire
Loire River Loire
Loire Valley Schlösser der Loire
Loire-Atlantique Loire-Atlantique
Loiret Loiret
Loiret River Loiret
Lois Lane Lois Lane
Lois Maxwell Lois Maxwell
Lois McMaster Bujold Lois McMaster Bujold
Loissin Loissin