English German
LOX pump Flüssigsauerstoffpumpe
LOX tank Flüssigsauerstoffbehälter
loxapine Loxapin
Loxford Loxford
Loxodonta Afrikanischer Elefant
Loxodonta africana Afrikanischer Elefant
Loxstedt Loxstedt
Loy Krathong Loi Krathong
Loya jirga Loja Dschirga
loyal sicher
loyal and faithful höchst zuverlässig
Loyal Heart Hündchen Treuherz
loyal opposition kollegiale Opposition
loyal to England englandtreu
loyal to one's colleagues kollegial
loyal to the constitution verfassungstreu
loyal to the emperor kaisertreu
loyal to the government regierungstreu
loyal to the king königstreu
loyal voter Stammwähler
loyal voters Stammwähler
loyalist Treugesinnte
Loyalist Volunteer Force Loyalist Volunteer Force
loyalists Loyalisten
loyality treue Gesinnung
loyality oath Treueschwur
loyality oaths Treueschwüre
loyality points Treuepunkte
loyality stamps Treuemarken
loyally treu
loyalty Redlichkeit
loyalty arrangement Treuevertrag
loyalty bonus Zulage für Betriebstreue
loyalty card Payback-Karte
loyalty discount Treuerabatt
Loyalty Islands Loyalitätsinseln
Loyalty making Kundenkarte
Loyalty program Kundenkarte
loyalty rebate Treuerabatt
loyalty rebates Treuerabatte
Loyalty to Zuversicht
loyalty to God Gottestreue
loyalty to one's duty Pflichttreue
loyalty to the alliance Bündnistreue
loyalty to the constitution Verfassungstreue
loyalty to the party line Linientreue
loyalty until death Nibelungentreue
Loyola de Palacio Loyola de Palacio
Loyola Marymount University Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Chicago
Loys Bourgeois Loys Bourgeois
lozenge Bonbon
lozenge frieze Rautenfries
lozenge tile Herzfalzziegel
lozenge tiles Herzfalzziegel
lozenged chaplet Rautenkranz
lozenged wreath Rautenkranz
lozenges Rauten
Lozi language Lozi
Lozi people Lozi
Loznica Loznica
Lozère Lozère
Loßburg Loßburg
Loïc Wacquant Loïc Wacquant
Lošinj Lošinj
LP Langspielplatte