English German
major bedeutend
major accident großer Unfall
major achievements große Errungenschaften
major air raid Grossangriff
major air-raid Grossangriff
major airraid Grossangriff
major alarm Grossalarm
major alert Grossalarm
major alkaloid Hauptalkaloid
Major and minor Tongeschlecht
major anterior myocardial infarction , major AMI grosser Vorderwandinfarkt , grosser VWI
Major appliance Haushaltsgerät
Major archbishop Großerzbischof
major avalanche Großlawine
major axis of a robot Roboterhauptachsen
Major Barbara Major Barbara
Major Blessing Segnung
major bollocking Mega-Anschiss
major campaign issue Wahlkampfschlager
major carp Catla-Barbe
major client Großkunde
major clients Großkunden
major constituent Satzglied
major construction project Baugroßprojekt
major contributor Großspender
major corporation Großkonzern
major corporations Großkonzerne
major cost driver Hauptkostentreiber
Major Crimes Major Crimes
major cross match Majortest
major customer Großkunde
major customers Hauptabnehmer
major cycl Hauptzyklus
major cycle Hauptzyklus
major depressive episode grosse depressive Phase
major disaster Grosskatastrophe
Major Dundee Sierra Charriba
Major duodenal papilla Papilla duodeni major
Major earthquake strikes Peru followed by multiple large aftershocks Erdbeben in Peru fordert viele Opfer
major element Hauptelement
major elements Hauptelemente
major enemy Hauptfeind
major epilepsy Grand-mal-Epilepsie
major event bedeutendes Ereignis
major events Großereignisse
Major explosions at UK oil depot Große Explosion nahe London
major field of study Studienschwerpunkt
major fields of study Hauptstudienfächer
major fire Großbrand
major fourth reine Quarte
major fuckup schwerwiegender Fehler
major general Generalmajor
major graduation Hauptskalenteilung
major highway Schnellstraße
major highways Hauptdurchzugsstraßen
Major histocompatibility complex Haupthistokompatibilitätskomplex
major impediment Haupthindernis
major Indian carp Catla-Barbe
major interest Hauptaugenmerk
major league Oberliga
Major League Baseball Major League Baseball
Major League Baseball All-Star Game MLB All-Star Game
Major League Baseball Most Valuable Player Award Most Valuable Player
Major League Baseball Rookie of the Year Award MLB Rookie of the Year Award
Major League II Die Indianer von Cleveland II
Major League Soccer Major League Soccer
Major League Soccer All-Star Game MLS All-Star Game
major lobe Hauptkeule
Major new bird flu outbreaks reported in Asia Neue Ausbrüche von Vogelgrippe in Asien
major ninth grosse None
Major non-NATO ally Major non-NATO ally
major obstacle Haupthindernis
major offensive Großoffensive
major overhaul Generalüberholung
major pancreatic duct Ductus pancreaticus
major part Gros
major part of the weight Hauptgewicht
major pectoral muscle Musculus pectoralis major
major piece Schwerfigur
major power Großmacht
major premise Obersatz
major project Großprojekt
Major religious groups Weltreligion
major repair grössere Instandstellung
major research institution Großforschungseinrichtung
major risk Hauptrisiko
major risk installation Risikoanlage
major risks Großrisiken
major road Bundesstraße
major roads Hauptdurchgangsstraßen
Major scale Dur
major scales Durtonleitern
Major second Sekunde
major section Hauptabschnitt
major seminary Priesterseminar
major septum Hauptseptum
major seventh grosse Septime
major share Hauptanteil
Major sixth Sexte
major sorting key Hauptsortierschlüssel
major source Hauptquelle
major strain Hauptformänderung
major subject Hauptfach
major surgery großer Eingriff
major tenant Hauptmieter
major tenth grosse Dezime
Major third Terz
major traffic pathway Hauptverkehrsweg
major traffic pathways Hauptverkehrswege
major university Hauptuniversität
Major Waldemar Fydrych Waldemar Fydrych
major works Hauptwerke
major's wife Majorin
major-domo Hofmarschall
major-minor tonality Dur-Moll-Tonalität
Majorana effect Majorana-Effekt
majorant Majorante
Majorat Majorat
Majorca Mallorca
Majorcan mallorquinisch
Majorcan giant dormouse Mallorca-Riesengartenschläfer
Majorcan girl junge Mallorquinerin
Majorcan hellebore Balearen-Nieswurz
Majorcan lady Mallorquinerin
Majorcan midwife toad Mallorca-Geburtshelferkröte
Majorcan woman Mallorquinerin
majordomo Diener
majored studierte als Hauptfach
Majorelle Garden Jardin Majorelle
majorette Majorette
Majorettes Drill
Majorian Majorian
majoring als Hauptfach studierend
majoritarian mehrheitlich
majorite Majorit
majority Masse