English German
manual reader Handleser
manual release button Handauslösetaste
manual remote release Hand-Fernauslöser
manual reset Handrückstellung
manual riddling händisches Rütteln
manual riveting Handnietung
manual rivetting Handnietung
manual scanner Handleser
manual scanning Handscannen
manual skill Handfertigkeit
manual skills handwerkliches Können
manual soldering Handlöten
manual starting handle Handstartgriff
manual switch Handschalter
manual switches Handschalter
manual switching Handvermittlung
manual switching system Handvermittlungssystem
manual test run Tipbetrieb
manual therapy manuelle Therapie
manual toothbrush Hand-Zahnbürste
manual train driving manuelle Triebfahrzeugsteuerung
manual transmission Schaltgetriebe
manual transmission, gearbox Schaltgetriebe
manual tripping Handauslösung
manual tuning Handabstimmung
manual typesetting Handsatz
manual typewriter mechanische Schreibmaschine
manual welding Handschweißung
manual work Handarbeit
manual worker Handarbeiter
manual workmanship Handarbeit
manual-labour Handarbeit
manual-labourer Handarbeiter
manual-skill Handfertigkeit
Manualism and oralism Oralismus
manually manuell
manually controlled handgesteuert
manually operated handbetätigt
manually operated call point Handfeuermelder
manually operated, hand-operated handbetätigt
manually propelled wheelchair Rollstuhl mit Muskelkraftantrieb
manually shifted transmission Handschalt-Getriebe
manuals Fibeln
manuals of devotion Andachtsbüchlein
Manucodia Manukoden
Manucuring Maniküre
Manucurist Maniküre
Manuel Manuel
Manuel Azaña Manuel Azaña
Manuel Belgrano Manuel Belgrano
Manuel Bento Manuel Bento
Manuel Bulnes Manuel Bulnes Prieto
Manuel Calvente Manuel Calvente
Manuel Candamo Manuel Candamo
Manuel Castells Manuel Castells
Manuel Corral Manuel Corral
Manuel de Arriaga Manuel José de Arriaga
Manuel de Falla Manuel de Falla
Manuel de Godoy Manuel de Godoy
Manuel de Zumaya Manuel de Sumaya
Manuel dos Reis Machado Mestre Bimba
Manuel Estrada Cabrera Manuel José Estrada Cabrera
Manuel Fernandes Manuel Fernandes
Manuel Friedrich Manuel Friedrich
Manuel González Manuel González
Manuel Isidoro Belzu Manuel Isidoro Belzu
Manuel José Arce Manuel José Arce y Fagoaga
Manuel José Quintana Manuel José Quintana
Manuel Machado y Ruiz Manuel Machado
Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage Manoel Maria de Barbosa du Bocage
Manuel Maria Ponce Manuel María Ponce
Manuel Marulanda Manuel Marulanda
Manuel Mejuto González Manuel Mejuto González
Manuel Montt Manuel Montt Torres
Manuel Negrete Arias Manuel Negrete Arias
Manuel Noriega Manuel Noriega
Manuel Orantes Manuel Orantes
Manuel Patricio Rodríguez García Manuel Patricio Rodríguez García
Manuel Pavía y Rodríguez de Alburquerque Manuel Pavía
Manuel Pinto da Costa Manuel Pinto da Costa
Manuel Plaza Manuel Plaza
Manuel Prado Ugarteche Manuel Prado y Ugarteche
Manuel Puig Manuel Puig
Manuel Roxas Manuel Roxas
Manuel Ruiz de Lopera Stadium Estadio Manuel Ruiz de Lopera
Manuel Sanchís Hontiyuelo Manuel Sanchís Hontiyuelo
Manuel Urrutia Lleó Manuel Urrutia Lleó
Manuel Vázquez Montalbán Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
Manuel Zelaya Manuel Zelaya
Manuel Álvarez Bravo Manuel Álvarez Bravo
Manuel Ávila Camacho Manuel Ávila Camacho
Manuela Entfesselte Leidenschaft
Manuela Di Centa Manuela Di Centa
Manuela Machado Maria Manuela Machado
Manueline Manuelinik
manufactories Manufakturen
manufactory Fabrik
manufacturability Herstellbarkeit
manufacture erzeugen
manufacture capitalism Manufakturkapitalismus
Manufacture nationale de Sèvres Manufacture royale de porcelaine de Sèvres
manufacture of artificial stones Kunststeinerzeugung
manufacture of chemical equipment chemischer Apparatebau
manufacture of electric motors Elektromotorenbau
manufacture of jewellery Bijouterie-Manufaktur
manufacture of jewelry Bijouterie-Manufaktur
manufacture of musical instruments Musikinstrumentenbau
manufacture of ready-made clothes Konfektion
manufacture of ready-made clothing Konfektion
manufacture of ready-to-wear clothes Konfektion
manufacture of ready-to-wear clothing Konfektion
Manufacture of ships Schiffbau
manufacture of signs Schilderherstellung
manufacture of timepieces Uhrenerzeugung
manufacture presetting Fabrikeinstellung
manufacture ready-to-wear etw. konfektionieren
manufacture setting Fabrikeinstellung
manufacture to order Einzelanfertigung
manufactured hergestellt
manufactured article Fabrikware
manufactured goods Fabrikware
manufactured ice cream Kunstspeiseeis
manufactured ready-to-wear konfektioniert
manufactured to dimension maßgefertigt
manufacturer Erzeuger
manufacturer certification Herstellerbescheinigung
manufacturer certifications Herstellerbescheinigungen
manufacturer of cigars Zigarrenmacherin
manufacturer of commercial vehicles Nutzfahrzeugbauer
manufacturer of couplings and fittings Armaturenhersteller
manufacturer of firearms Schusswaffenhersteller
manufacturer of fittings Armaturenhersteller
manufacturer of hunting weapons Jagdwaffenhersteller
manufacturer of kitchens Küchenhersteller
manufacturer of printing inks Druckfarbenhersteller
manufacturer of small arms Schusswaffenhersteller
manufacturer of sound carriers Tonträgerhersteller
manufacturer of sporting arms Sportwaffenhersteller
manufacturer of sporting firearms Sportwaffenhersteller
manufacturer of sporting guns Sportwaffenhersteller
manufacturer of sports cars Sportwagenhersteller
manufacturer of utility vehicles Nutzfahrzeugbauer
manufacturer specifications Herstellerangaben
manufacturer's declaration Herstellererklärung ~Konformitätserklärung
manufacturer's information Herstellerangaben
manufacturer's nameplate Firmenschild
manufacturer's nameplate, name plate Firmenschild
manufacturer's plate Fabrikschild
manufacturer's plates Fabrikschilder
manufacturer's software Herstellersoftware
manufacturer's warranty Herstellergarantie
manufacturer, producer Hersteller
manufacturer-specific herstellerspezifisch
manufacturers Herstellerinnen
manufacturers logo Herstellerlogo