English German
metering zone Gebührenzone
Meterology Meteorologie
meters Messer
meters of meterweise
metes misst
metestrus Metöstrus
meth Spiritus
methacholine Methacholin
methacholine chloride Methacholinchlorid
Methacrolein Methacrolein
methacrylate Methacrylat
methacrylate adhesive Methacrylat-Kleber
methacrylate polymer Polymethacrylat
methacrylic acid Methylmethacrylat
methacrylic acid, MAA Methacrylsäure
Methadone Methadon
methadone intoxication Methadonintoxikation
methadone poisoning Methadonvergiftung
methadone program Methadonprogramm
methadone programme Methadonprogramm
methadone treatment Methadonbehandlung
Methaemoglobin Methämoglobin
methaemoglobinaemia Methämoglobinämie
methamfetamine Methamfetamin
Methamphetamine N-Methylamphetamin
methamphetamines Methamphetamine
Methana Methana
methanal Methanal
methanal-free frei von Methanal
Methandrostenolone Metandienon
methane Methan
methane clathrate Methanhydrat
methane detector Grubengasanzeiger
methane drainage Entgasung
methane drainage boring Gasabsaugbohrung
methane explosion Methan-Explosion
methane gas Methangas
methane gas explosion Methangasexplosion
methane hydrate Methanhydrat
methane ice Methanhydrat
methane poisoning Methanvergiftung
Methane production Methanogenese
methane series Alkan
methane source Methanquelle
methanediimine Cyanamid
methanesulfonic acid , MSA Methansulfonsäure , MSA
methanesulfonic acid, MSA Methansulfonsäure
Methanethiol Methanthiol
methanisation Methanisierung
methanization Methanisierung
methanoate Methanoat
methanoates Methanoate
methanogen methanerzeugender Organismus
Methanogenesis Methanogenese
methanoic acid Ameisensäure
methanol Methanol
methanol (methane alcohol) Methanol
methanol operation Methanolbetrieb
methanol poisoning Methanolvergiftung
methanol-free frei von Methanol
methanolate Methanolat
Methcathinone Methcathinon
methemoglobin Methämoglobin
Methemoglobinemia Methämoglobinämie
methenamine Methenamin
methicillin Methicillin
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Methicillin-resistenter Staphylococcus aureus
methine bridge Methinbrücke
methinks dünken
Methinks thou dost protest too much. Da spricht wohl das schlechte Gewissen.
methionine Methionin
methionine malabsorption Methioninmalabsorption
methionine malabsorption syndrome Methioninmalabsorption
metho Schnapsdrossel
method Mittel
Method acting Method Acting
method actor Method Actor
method actress Method Actress
method claim Verfahrensanspruch
method error Verfahrensfehler
Method Man Method Man
method obsolescence Veralterung von Methoden
method of abstraction Abstraktionsverfahren
method of amortization Tilgungsart
method of analysis Analyseverfahren
method of approximation Näherungsmethode
method of assessment Bewertungsmethode
method of calculation Berechnungsmethode
method of catching Fangmethode
method of catching eels Aalfangmethode
method of compensation Ausgleichsverfahren
method of computation Berechnungsmethode
method of concealment Verschleierungsmethode
method of conjugate gradients Konjugierte-Gradienten-Verfahren
method of control Bedienungsart
method of determination Bestimmungsmethode
method of Dorner Dorner-Färbung
method of Dorner with Snyder's modification Dorner-Snyder-Färbung
method of electric images Spiegelbildmethode
method of elimination Ausschlussverfahren
method of examination Prüfungsmethode
Method of exhaustion Exhaustionsmethode
method of financing Finanzierungsmethode
method of inquiry Untersuchungsmethode
method of integration Integrationsmethode
method of investigation Untersuchungsmethode
method of joints Knotenpunktverfahren
method of least squares Methode der kleinsten Quadrate
Method of loci Loci-Methode
method of manufacturing Herstellungsart
method of measurement Messmethode
Method of moments Momentenmethode
method of operation Technik
method of payment Zahlungsart
method of preparation Zubereitungsart
method of producing Herstellungsart
method of production Produktionsweise
method of rearing Haltungsform
method of redemption Tilgungsart
method of resolution Lösungsansatz
method of sections Rittersches Schnittverfahren
method of teaching Unterrichtsmethode
method of testing Prüfmethode
method of tooth-brushing Zahnputztechnik
method of toothbrushing Zahnputztechnik
method of torture Foltermethode
method of treatment Heilmethode
method of valuation Bewertungsmethode
method of working Arbeitsweise
method of X-ray examination Röntgenuntersuchungsmethode
Method overloading Zuschlag
Method stub Stub
Methode System
Methodenstreit Methodenstreit der Nationalökonomie
methodic methodisch
methodical methodisch
methodical responsibility methodische Kompetenz
methodically methodisch
methodicly methodisch
Methodism Methodismus
Methodist Methodist
Methodist ... Methodisten...
Methodist Chapel methodistische Kirche
Methodist Church Evangelisch-methodistische Kirche
Methodist Episcopal Church Bischöfliche Methodistenkirche
Methodist movement methodistische Bewegung
Methodistic methodistisch
Methodistic ... Methodisten...
methodists Methodisten
methodological methodologisch
methodological expertise Methodenkompetenz
Methodological individualism Methodologischer Individualismus
methodological skills Methodenkompetenz
methodological study methodologische Untersuchung
methodologically methodologisch