English German
motorization Motorisierung
motorize motorisieren
motorized motorisiert
Motorized bicycle Pedelec
motorized cable reeling drum Motorkabeltrommel
motorized chain saw motorbetriebene Kettensäge
motorized collimator motorisierte TB
motorized draisine Motordraisine
motorized quadricycle leichtes vierrädriges Kraftfahrzeug
motorized sledge Motorschlitten
motorized train Triebzug
motorized trains Triebzüge
motorized tricycle Trike
Motorized valve Magnetventil
motorized valves Motorventile
motorized wheelchair Motor-Rollstuhl
Motorjet Thermojet
motorman Zugführer
motormen Straßenbahnfahrer
motormouth Plaudertasche
motormouths Klatschbasen
Motorola Motorola
Motorola DynaTAC Motorola DynaTAC
motors Kraftmaschinen
motorsport Motorsport
motorsport magazine Motorsportmagazin
motorsports Motorsport
motorvan Wohnmobil
motorway Autobahn
motorway access Autobahnauffahrt
motorway access point Autobahnanschlussstelle
motorway accesses Autobahnanbindungen
motorway approach Autobahnauffahrt
motorway approach road Autobahnzubringer
motorway bridge Autobahnbrücke
motorway car park Autobahnparkplatz
motorway central reservation Autobahnmittelstreifen
motorway chapel Autobahnkapelle
motorway closing Autobahnsperrung
motorway construction Autobahnbau
motorway cruiser Reisewagen
motorway drive Autobahnfahrt
motorway driving Fahren auf der Autobahn
motorway embankment Autobahntrasse
motorway emergency lane Autobahnstandspur
motorway emergency telephone Autobahnnotrufsäule
motorway exit Autobahnausfahrt
motorway exits Autobahnausfahrten
Motorway fee Maut
motorway feeder Autobahnzubringer
motorway flyover Autobahnbrücke
motorway gantry Signalbrücke auf der Autobahn
motorway gantry sign Autobahnschilderbrücke
motorway hard shoulder Autobahnseitenstreifen
motorway interchange Autobahn-Kreuz
motorway intersection Autobahnkreuz
motorway journey Autobahnfahrt
motorway junction Anschlussstelle
motorway junctions Anschlussstellen
motorway lay-by Autobahnrastplatz
motorway maintenance agency Autobahnmeisterei
motorway maniac Amokfahrer
motorway milestone Autobahnkilometer
motorway motel Autobahnhotel
motorway motels Autobahnhotels
motorway network Autobahnnetz
motorway permit sticker Pickerl
motorway police Autobahnpolizei
motorway policeman Autobahnpolizeibeamte
motorway restaurant Raststätte
motorway restaurants Autobahnraststätten
motorway ride Autobahnfahrt
motorway ring road Autobahnring
motorway route Autobahnverlauf
motorway section Autobahnabschnitt
motorway service area Autobahnraststätte
motorway service areas Autobahnrastplätze
motorway services Autobahnraststätte
motorway slip road Autobahnausfahrt
motorway slip roads Autobahnrampen
motorway station Autobahnwache
motorway subway Autobahnunterführung
motorway tag Autobahnpickerl
motorway tags Autobahnpickerl
motorway toll Autobahngebühr
motorway toll badge Autobahnvignette
motorway toll disc Autobahnvignette
motorway toll sticker Autobahnvignette
motorway toll stickers Autobahnvignetten
motorway tolls Autobahngebühren
motorway trip Autobahnfahrt
motorway tunnel Autobahntunnel
motorway underpass Autobahnunterführung
motorway viaduct Autobahnviadukt
motorwoman Zugführerin
MOTOS : members of the opposite sex Angehörige des anderen Geschlechts
mototaxi Mototaxi
Motovun Motovun
Motovun Film Festival Motovun Film Festival
Motown Records Motown
motramite Motramit
Motru Motru
mots Wörter
Motspur Park Motspur Park
MOTSS : members of the same sex Angehörige des gleichen Geschlechts
Mott Motte
Mott the Hoople Mott the Hoople
Mottama Martaban
motte Hügel
Motte-and-bailey Motte
motte-and-bailey castle Motte
Mottingham Mottingham
mottle sprenkeln
mottle sth. etw. sprenkeln
mottle-backed elaenia Schuppenelaenie
mottle-breasted pitohui Fleckenbrustpitohui
mottle-cheeked tyrannulet Streifenbrust-Laubtyrann
mottle-throated spinetailed swift Baobabsegler
mottled bunt
mottled flowerpecker Tristrammistelfresser
mottled grasshopper gefleckte Keulenschrecke
mottled gray grau meliert
mottled grey grau meliert
mottled linckia Kometen-Seestern
mottled owl Sprenkelkauz
mottled piculet Braunbrust-Zwergspecht
mottled sandstone Buntsandstein
mottled schist Fleckschiefer
mottled sea hare Grosser Brauner Seehase
mottled sea star Tuberkel-Seestern
mottled seahare Grosser Brauner Seehase
mottled skin gefleckte Haut
mottled swift Schuppensegler
mottled teeth fleckige Zähne
Mottled Umber Großer Frostspanner
mottled whistler Wellendickkopf
mottled wood owl Mangokauz
mottling sprenkelnd
mottling of teeth Zahnfleckung
motto Devise