English German
paint throughput Farbdurchsatz
paint throughput. Farbdurchsatz
paint volume flow Lackvolumenstrom
paint with sand Sand malen
paint with water colors mit Aquarellfarben anmalen
paint with water colours mit Aquarellfarben anmalen
paint with water-colours mit Aquarellfarben anmalen
paint with watercolors mit Aquarellfarben anmalen
paint with watercolours mit Aquarellfarben anmalen
paint with wax paints mit Wachsfarben malen
paint work Lack
paint yield Lackausbeute
Paint Your Wagon Westwärts zieht der Wind
paint-billed crake Goldschnabel-Sumpfhuhn
paint-box Farbkasten
paint-brush Farbpinsel
paint-brushes Farbpinsel
paint-on process Film-Verfahren
Paint-on-glass animation Öl-auf-Glas-Animation
paint-pot Farbtopf
paint-pots Farbtöpfe
paint-spraying Spritzlackierung
paint-spraying work Spritzlackierarbeit
paintball Paintball
paintbox Farbkasten
paintboxes Malkästen
paintbrusgh Pinsel
paintbrush Farbpinsel
paintbrush lilies Blutblumen
paintbrushes Malpinsel
painted bemalt
painted body lackierte Karosserie
Painted Bunting Papstfink
painted button-quail Buntlaufhühnchen
painted carpet viper Arabische Sandrasselotter
Painted churches of northern Moldavia Moldauklöster
painted comber Schriftbarsch
painted comber fish Schriftbarsch
painted conure Rotzügelsittich
painted daisies Bunte Margeriten
painted daisy Bunte Margerite
Painted Desert Painted Desert
painted doll Zierpüppchen
painted finch Gemalter Astrild
painted francolin Graubrustfrankolin
Painted Hero Die Leiche im Kofferraum
painted honeyeater Granthonigfresser
painted hunting dog Afrikanischer Wildhund
painted in different colours bunt bemalt
painted in India ink getuscht
painted in watercolors aquarelliert
Painted Ladies Trügerisches Bild
Painted Lady Distelfalter
painted lady butterfly Distelfalter
painted leopard (Leopardus pardalis Ozelot
painted mining bee Wald-Sandbiene
painted mining-bee Wald-Sandbiene
painted over übermalt
painted parakeet Rotzügelsittich
painted parrot Braunscheitelpapagei
painted partridge Tropfenfrankolin
painted portrait gemaltes Portrait
painted quail Buntwachtel
painted redstart Rotbrust-Waldsänger
painted reef butterflyfish Karibischer Riff-Falterfisch
painted rock lobster Vielfarbige Languste
painted sandgrouse Bindenflughuhn
painted saw-scaled viper Arabische Sandrasselotter
painted sb.'s portrait jdn. porträtiert
Painted snipe Goldschnepfen
painted spurfowl Perlspornhuhn
Painted Stork Buntstorch
painted tiger parrot Braunscheitelpapagei
painted tody flycatcher Weißkehl-Spateltyrann
painted wolf Afrikanischer Wildhund
painted wool zeichenhaltige Wolle
Painten Painten
painter Anstreicher
Painter and decorator Maler und Lackierer
painter and varnisher Maler und Lackierer
painter essentials Malerbedarf
painter line Reißfangleine
painter of the Baroque Barockmaler
painter of the Dutch School Holländer
painter's gypsum Malergips
painter's putty Fensterkitt
painter's spatula Malerspachtel
painter's tape Abdeckband
painter's trade Malerhandwerk
painter's workshop Malerwerkstatt
painters Lackierer
painters' colony Malerkolonie
painters' requisites Malerausrüstung
painting Bild
painting adhesive Malerleim
painting booth Lackierkabine
painting booth, spray booth Lackierkabine
painting business Malerbetrieb
painting case Malkoffer
painting class Malkurs
painting classes Malkurse
painting courses Malkurse
painting display room Bilderzimmer
painting display rooms Bilderzimmer
painting equipment Malutensilien
painting fault Lackierstörung
painting galleries Bilderzimmer
painting gallery Bilderzimmer
painting in India ink tuschend
painting in oil Ölmalerei
painting jobs Malerarbeiten
painting knife Malmesser
painting knives Malmesser
painting made on canvas Leinwandgemälde
painting of a nude Aktgemälde
painting path zone Lackierbahnzone
painting process Lackiervorgang
painting quality Lackierqualität
painting robot Lackier-Roboter
painting sb.'s portrait jdn. porträtierend
painting set Farbkasten
painting style Malweise
painting utensils Malerausrüstung
painting with pastels Pastellmalerei
painting work Malerarbeiten
painting zone Lackierzone
paintings Malerei
paints Lacke