English German
pastime Ablenkung
pastime, diversion, amusement Kurzweil
pastimes Zeitvertreib
pasting Abreibung
pasting paper Beklebepapier
pasting press Klebepresse
pasting tables Tapeziertische
pasting up zuklebend
pastis Pastis
Pasto Pasto
pastor Geistlicher
pastor's daughter Pastorentochter
pastor's secretary Pfarrsekretär
pastor's wife Pastorengattin
pastoral Land-
pastoral advice service Telefonseelsorge
pastoral advisor Beratungslehrerin
pastoral assistant Pastoralassistent
pastoral assistants Pastoralassistenten
Pastoral Bible Institute Pastorales Bibel Institut
pastoral care Seelsorge
pastoral care for forces personnel Militärseelsorge
pastoral care of tourists Touristenseelsorge
pastoral dog Hütehund
pastoral dogs Hütehunde
Pastoral epistles Pastoralbrief
pastoral letter Hirtenbrief
pastoral letters Hirtenbriefe
pastoral ministry Seelsorge
pastoral novel Schäfer-Roman
pastoral office Pfarramt
pastoral offices Pfarrämter
Pastoral poetry Schäferdichtung
pastoral power Pastoralmacht
pastoral psychology Pastoralpsychologie
pastoral secrecy Seelsorgegeheimnis
pastoral sociology Pastoralsoziologie
pastoral staff Bischofsstab
pastoral staffs Bischofsstäbe
pastoral worker Seelsorger
pastoral workers Seelsorger
pastorale Pastorale
pastoralism Pastoralismus
pastoralist Viehhirte
pastoralists Viehhüter
pastorals Hirtenbriefe
pastorate Pastorat
pastors Pfarrer
pastrami Rauchfleisch
pastries Feingebäck
pastries and savouries süßes und pikantes Gebäck
pastry Gebäck
pastry bag Dressiersack
pastry bags Dressiersäcke
pastry blender Teigmischer
pastry bowl Teigschüssel
pastry bowls Teigschüsseln
pastry brush Backpinsel
pastry brushes Backpinsel
Pastry case Brötchen
Pastry chef Pâtissier
pastry chefs Küchenkonditoren
pastry cook Konditor
pastry cooks Konditoren
pastry fork Kuchengabel
pastry forks Kuchengabeln
pastry made with beer Bierteig
pastry shop Konditorei
pastry tong Gebäckzange
pastry tongs Gebäckzange
Pastry War Kuchenkrieg
pastry wheel Rädchen
pastry, chocolate and ice cream maker Süßwarenhersteller
pastry, chocolate and ice cream makers Süßwarenhersteller
pastry, pastries Feingebäck
pastry-cook Kuchenbäcker
pastry-cutting wheel Teigrad
Pastry-making Konditorei
pastryshop Konditorei
pasturage Weide
pasturages Weideländer
pastural use Weidenutzung
pasture weiden
pasture animals Tiere weiden lassen
pasture day moth Tagesmotte
pasture day moth caterpillar Tagesmottenraupe
pasture day moth caterpillars Tagesmottenraupen
pasture day moths Tagesmotten
pasture farming Weidewirtschaft
pasture fence Weidezaun
pasture fences Weidezäune
pasture harrow Messeregge
pasture land Weideland
pasture management Weidebewirtschaftung
pasture milk Heumilch
pasture use Weidenutzung
pasture utilisation Weidenutzung
pasture utilization Weidenutzung
Pasture-ground Trift
pastured geäst
pastureland Grasland
pastures äst
pasturing äsend
pasty klebrig
pasty sediment of oil Bodensatz
pasty-faced käsebleich
Pastırma Pastırma
Pasvalys Pasvalys
Pasym Pasym
Pasłęk Pasłęk
Pasłęka Passarge
pat Schlag