English German
Pherecydes Pherekydes
Pherecydes of Leros Pherekydes von Athen
Pherecydes of Syros Pherekydes von Syros
Pheres Pheres
pherical roller bearings Tonnenlager
pheromone Pheromone
pheromone research Pheromonforschung
pheromone trace Pheromonspur
pheromone trap Pheromon-Falle
pherophyll Tragblatt
Phetchabun Mountains Phetchabun-Gebirge
Phetchabun Province Phetchabun
Phetchaburi Province Phetchaburi
phew juhu
phew! puh
Phffft Eine glückliche Scheidung
Phffft! Eine glückliche Scheidung
Phi Gräuel
phi meson Phi-Meson
Phi phenomenon Phi-Phänomen
Phi Phi Islands Phi Phi
Phi Velorum Tseen Kee
phi-phenomenon Phi-Phänomen
phial Ampulle
Phiale Phiale
phials Fläschchen
Phichit Province Phichit
Phidias Phidias
Phil Anselmo Phil Anselmo
Phil Bardsley Phillip Bardsley
Phil Collins Phil Collins
Phil Esposito Phil Esposito
Phil Hartman Phil Hartman
Phil Hill Phil Hill
Phil Kessel Phil Kessel
Phil Knight Philip Knight
Phil Lynott Phil Lynott
Phil Mahre Phil Mahre
Phil Neville Phil Neville
Phil of the Future Phil aus der Zukunft
Phil Philthy Animal Taylor Phil Taylor
Phil Rizzuto Phil Rizzuto
Phil Selway Phil Selway
Phil Spector Phil Spector
Phil Zimmermann Phil Zimmermann
Philadelphia Philadelphia
Philadelphia chromosome Philadelphia
Philadelphia City Hall City Hall
Philadelphia Convention Philadelphia Convention
Philadelphia Eagles Philadelphia Eagles
Philadelphia Experiment Philadelphia-Experiment
Philadelphia Experiment 2 Das Philadelphia Experiment 2
Philadelphia Experiment II Das Philadelphia Experiment 2
Philadelphia Flyers Philadelphia Flyers
Philadelphia International Airport Flughafen Philadelphia
Philadelphia lawyer gerissener Anwalt
Philadelphia lily Schalen-Lilie
Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia Orchestra Philadelphia Orchestra
Philadelphia Phantoms Philadelphia Phantoms
Philadelphia Phillies Philadelphia Phillies
Philadelphia soul Phillysound
philadelphia vireo Schlichtvireo
Philadelphia-born in Philadelphia geboren
Philae Philae
Philagoria Philagoria
philander flirten
philandered geflirtet
philanderer Don Juan
philanderers Don Juans
philandering flirtend
philanders flirtet