English German
phototransistor Fototransistor
Phototroph Phototrophie
phototropic fototrop
Phototropin Phototropine
phototropism Lichtwendigkeit
phototropy Fototropie
phototube Hochvakuumzelle
phototypesetter Fotosetzanlage
phototypesetting Fotosatz
phototypesetting equipment Fotosetzanlage
phototypography Filmsatz
photovoltage Fotospannung
Photovoltaic array Solarmodul
photovoltaic cell Photozelle
Photovoltaic cells Solarzelle
photovoltaic companies Photovoltaikunternehmen
photovoltaic company Photovoltaikunternehmen
photovoltaic conversion photoelektrische Umwandlung
photovoltaic effect photovoltaischer Effekt
photovoltaic efficiency photoelektrischer Wirkungsgrad
photovoltaic facade Photovoltaik-Fassade
photovoltaic generator Photovoltaikgenerator
photovoltaic generators Photovoltaikgeneratoren
photovoltaic glazing Photovoltaik-Verglasung
photovoltaic installation Solarstromanlage
photovoltaic installations Solarstromanlagen
Photovoltaic module Solarmodul
photovoltaic modules Photovoltaik-Module
photovoltaic panel Fotovoltaikpaneel
photovoltaic power plant Photovoltaikanlage
photovoltaic power station Photovoltaikkraftwerk
photovoltaic power stations Photovoltaikkraftwerke
photovoltaic power supply Photozelle
photovoltaic solar energy conversion Sonnenenergie-Umwandlung über den Sperrschicht-Photoeffekt
photovoltaic solar power plant Photovoltaikanlage
photovoltaic solar power plants Solarstromkraftwerke
photovoltaic system photovoltaisches System
photovoltaic system, photovoltaic array PV-Anlage
photovoltaic system, photovoltaic arrays Photovoltaikanlagen
photovoltaics Fotovoltaik
photovoltaics industry Photovoltaikbranche
photuria Ausscheidung von fluoreszierendem Urin
Phou Bia Phu Bia
phoxinus carps Phoxinus-Karpfenfische
PHP Data Objects PHP Data Objects
PHP Extension and Application Repository PHP Extension and Application Repository
PHP Extension Community Library PHP Extension and Application Repository
PHP License PHP License
PhpMyAdmin PhpMyAdmin
Phra Phrom Erawan-Schrein
Phraates V of Parthia Phraatakes
Phrack Phrack-Magazin
Phrae Phrae
Phrae Province Phrae
phragmacone Phragmoconus
Phragmipedium Phragmipedium
Phragmites Schilfrohr
phragmocone Phragmoconus
Phraortes Phraortes
phrasal phrasal
phrasal verb mehrgliedriges Verb
phrase Wendung
phrase a statement as a question eine Feststellung als Frage formulieren
phrase book Sprachführer
phrase books Sprachführer
phrase intelligibility Satzverständlichkeit
phrase mongers Phrasendrescher
phrase of courtesy Höflichkeitsfloskel
phrase structure grammar Phrasenstrukturgrammatik
phrase structure rule Phrasenstrukturregel
phrasebook Sprachführer
phrased phrasiert
phrasemonger Phrasendrescher
phrasemongers Phrasendrescherinnen
phraseological phraseologisch
phraseological dictionary phraseologisches Wörterbuch
Phraseological unit Phraseologismus
phraseology Redeweise
phraseology dictionary Phraseologie-Wörterbuch
phrases drückt aus
phrases of civility Höflichkeitsfloskeln
phrases of courtesy Höflichkeitsfloskeln
phrasing Formulierung
phrasing element Phrasenelement
Phraya Manopakorn Nititada Phraya Manopakorn Nititada