English German
proem Einleitung
proems Einleitungen
proenzyme Gärungserreger
proenzymes Gärungserreger
proerythroblast Proerythroblast
proerythroblasts Proerythroblasten
proestrus Proöstrus
Proetus Proitos
prof unempfindlich
Prof Coldheart Prof. Steinherz
Prof., prof. : professor o.Prof. : ordentlicher Professor
profanation Entwürdigung
profanation of the church Kirchenschändung
profanatory profan
profane weltlich
profaned entweihte
profanely weltlich
profaneness Weltlichkeit
profanes schändet
profaning Entwürdigung
profanities Flüche
profanity Schimpfwort
profenamine Profenamin
profess erklären
profess little enthusiasm wenig Begeisterung zeigen
profess sth. etw. beteuern
professed beteuert
professedly angeblich
professes beteuert
professing bekennend
profession Amt
profession of loyalty Treuegelöbnis
professional Fachmann
professional activity berufliche Tätigkeit
professional actor Berufsdarsteller
professional actress Berufsdarstellerin
professional advice Fachberatung
professional aim Berufsziel
professional armies Berufsarmeen
Professional army Berufsarmee
professional association Berufsverband
Professional Association of Diving Instructors Professional Association of Diving Instructors
professional associations Berufsgenossenschaften
professional attire Standestracht
Professional body Körperschaft
professional boxer Berufsboxer
professional boxers Berufsboxer
professional camera professionelle Kamera
Professional career Berufskarriere
Professional certification Zertifizierung
Professional Chess Association Professional Chess Association
professional confidentiality Amtsgeheimnis
professional criminal Berufsverbrecher
professional criminals Berufsverbrecher
Professional degree Staatsexamen
professional demonstrator Berufsdemonstrant
Professional development Ausbildung
professional development for teachers Lehrerweiterbildung
professional disease Berufskrankheit
professional diver Berufstaucher
Professional diving Berufstauchen
professional driver Berufskraftfahrerin
professional edication Fachausbildung
professional education Berufsausbildung
professional environment Arbeitsumfeld
professional error Kunstfehler
professional experience Berrufserfahrung
professional experience, vocational experience Berrufserfahrung
professional failure Versager im Beruf
professional fee Lohn
professional field Berufszweig
professional fields Berufszweige
professional football Profifußball
professional football player Profifußballer
Professional forgers can knock off a fake passport in no time. Professionelle Fälscher zaubern im Nu einen falschen Pass aus dem Hut.
professional foul Notbremse
professional gambler gewerbsmässige Glücksspielerin
professional goals berufliche Ziele
Professional golf tours International Federation of PGA Tours
professional golfer Berufsgolfer
professional group Berufsgruppe
professional groups Berufsgruppen
professional groups subject to reporting requirements meldepflichtige Berufsgruppen
professional handball player Handballprofi
professional hunter Jägermeister
professional huntsman Jägermeister
professional huntsmen Jägermeister
professional jargon Fachsprache
professional jealousy Konkurrenzneid
professional journal Fachzeitschrift
professional journals Fachzeitschriften
professional judge Berufsrichter
professional killer Profikiller
professional laboratory work Fachlaborarbeiten
professional league Profiliga
professional liability insurance Berufshaftpflichtversicherung
professional life Arbeitsleben
professional magazine Fachzeitschrift
professional magazines Fachmagazine
professional military Berufssoldat
professional misconduct standeswidriges Verhalten
professional name Künstlername
professional outline berufliche Tätigkeit