English German
question mark Fragezeichen
question marks Fragezeichen
question master Quizmaster
question of authority Kompetenzfrage
question of baptism Tauffrage
question of being Seinsfrage
question of confidence Vertrauensfrage
question of conscience Gretchenfrage
question of cost Kostenfrage
question of derivability Ableitbarkeitsfrage
question of faith Glaubensfrage
question of financing Finanzierungsfrage
question of guilt Schuldfrage
question of interest Interessensfrage
question of life and death Lebensfrage
question of meaning Sinnfrage
question of power Machtfrage
question of price Preisfrage
question of principle Prinzipienfrage
question of superior strength Machtfrage
question of survival Frage des Überlebens
question of taste Geschmacksache
Question of the moment Aktuelle Ereignisse
question of time Zeitfrage
question of trust Vertrauensfrage
question of who is more powerful Machtfrage
question of who is the more powerful Machtfrage
question of women's rights Frauenfrage
Question paper Fragebogen
question particle Fragepartikel
question particles Fragepartikel
question point Fragezeichen
question sb. jdn. befragen
question sth. etw. in Frage stellen
question tag Fragepartikel
question tags Frageanhängsel
question time Fragestunde
question to be answered zu beantwortende Frage
question word Interrogativpronomen
question) aufwerfen
question-answer mode Frage-Antwort-Spiel
Question-form Fragezeichen
questionable anfechtbar
Questionable cause Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Questionableness Fragwuerdigkeiten
questionably fragwürdig
questionaries Fragenkataloge
questionary Fragebogen
questioned gefragt
Questioned document examination Schriftvergleichung
questioner Fragende
questioning Verhör
questioning voice fragende Stimme
questioning of a witness Zeugenbefragung
questioning of witnesses Zeugenbefragung
questioningly fragend
questionings Befragungen
questionless bedingungslos
questionlessly bedingungslos
questionnaire Umfrage
questionnaire survey Fragebogenerhebung
questionnaire surveys Fragebogenerhebungen
questions befragt
questions of derivability Ableitbarkeitsfragen
questions of detail Detailfragen
questions of faith Glaubensfragen
questions of interest Interessensfragen
questions of principle Grundsatzfragen
questions of substance and procedure inhaltliche Fragen und Verfahrensfragen
questions of trust Vertrauensfragen
questions of women's rights Frauenfragen
questions relating to security in Europe Fragen der Sicherheit in Europa
quests sucht
Quetiapin Quetiapin
Quetiapine Quetiapin
Quett Masire Quett Masire
Quetta Quetta
quetzal , GTQ Quetzal
Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl
Quetzalcoatlus Quetzalcoatlus
Quetzaltenango Quetzaltenango
queue Ablauf