English German
rhododendron Rhododendron
rhododendron bush Rhododendronstrauch
Rhododendron ferrugineum Rostblättrige Alpenrose
rhododendrons Rhododendren
rhodonite Kieselmanganerz
Rhodope Rhodopen
Rhodope Mountains Rhodopen
Rhodope Prefecture Rhodopen
Rhodopen lily Rhodopen-Lilie
Rhodos Rhodos
rhodostannite Rhodostannit
Rhoenblick Rhönblick
rhoenrad Rhönrad
rhomb Raute
rhombencephalon Rhombencephalon
rhombi Rauten
rhombic rautenförmig
rhombic aerial Rautenantenne
rhombic antenna Rautenantenne
Rhombic dodecahedron Rhombendodekaeder
rhombic line Rhombus-Linie
rhombic mica Phlogopit
rhombic pane Rautenglas
rhombic prism Rhomboidprisma
rhombic row Rhombus-Reihe
Rhombic triacontahedron Rhombentriakontaeder
rhombical rautenförmig
rhombicosidodecahedron Rhombenikosidodekaeder
rhombocele Rautenhirnhöhle
rhombododecahedron Rhombendodekaeder
rhombohedral rhomboedrisch
Rhombohedral crystal system Rhomboedrisches Kristallsystem
rhombohedron Rhomboeder
rhomboid rautenförmig
rhomboid antenna Rhomboid-Antenne
rhomboid fossa Rautengrube
rhomboid major großer Rautenhirnmuskel
Rhomboid major muscle Musculus rhomboideus major
rhomboid minor kleiner Rautenhirnmuskel
rhomboid minor muscle Musculus rhomboideus minor
rhomboid muscle Rautenhirnmuskel
rhomboidal rautenförmig
rhombus Raute
rhombus of Michaelis Michaelis'sche Raute
rhombus, lozenge Raute
rhombuses Rauten
Rhona Rhône
Rhona Mitra Rhona Mitra
Rhonchi Rhonchus
rhonchus Rhonchus
Rhone Rhone
Rhopalostylis Nikau-Palme
Rhoxolani Roxolanen
RHR system Nachkühlsystem
rhubarb Krach
rhubarb flan Rhabarberkuchen
rhubarb ice cream Rhabarbereis
rhubarb ice-cream Rhabarbereis
rhubarb juice Rhabarbersaft
rhubarb pie Rhabarberkuchen
rhubarb root Arznei-Rhabarber
rhubarbs Rhabarber
Rhuddanian Rhuddanium
Rhumspringe Rhumspringe
rhus dermatitis Rhus-Dermatitis
rhus toxidendron Giftsumach
Rhus typhina Essigbaum
Rhyacian Rhyacium
rhyacolite glasiger Feldspat
Rhyl Rhyl
rhyme Reim
rhyme based on spoonerisms Schüttelreim
rhyme based on spoonerismses Schüttelreime
rhyme pattern Reimschema
rhyme scheme Reimschema
Rhyme Stew Reimtopf
rhyme with sich reimen auf
rhymed gereimt
rhymed verse Reimvers
rhymes Reime
rhymester Reimschmied
rhyming Reimen
rhyming couplet Reimpaar
rhyming couplets Paarreime
rhyming dictionary Reimlexikon
rhyming scheme Reimschema
rhyming slang Rhyming Slang
Rhyming word Konsonant
Rhynchocyon chrysopygus Goldenes Rüsselhündchen
Rhynchosaur Groß-Brückenechsen
Rhynchospora Schnabelriede
rhyodacite Rhyodazit
rhyolitic rhyolithisch
rhypophagy Kotessen
Rhys ap Gruffydd Lord Rhys
Rhys ap Tewdwr Rhys ap Tewdwr
Rhysodidae Runzelkäfer
rhythm Takt
rhythm 'n' blues Rhythm 'n' Blues
Rhythm and blues Rhythm and Blues
rhythm guitar Rhythmusgitarre
rhythm method Knaus-Ogino-Methode
Rhythm on the River Rhythm on the River
rhythm section Rhythmusgruppe
rhythm unit Rhythmusmaschine
rhythm units Rhythmusmaschinen
rhythmic rhythmisch
rhythmic gymnastics Rhythmische Gymnastik
Rhythmic mode Modalnotation
rhythmical rhythmisch
rhythmical nystagmus Rucknystagmus
rhythmically rhythmisch
rhythmicon Rhythmicon
rhythmics Rhythmik