English German
sampaguita Arabischer Jasmin
sampan Sampan
samphire Bazillenkraut
samphire thornbill Grunddornschnabel
Sampieru Corsu Sampiero Corso
sample abfragen
sample accompanying the offer Angebotsmuster
sample amplifier Abtastverstärker
Sample and hold Abtast-Halte-Schaltung
sample and hold element Abtasthalteglied
sample application Anwendungsbeispiel
sample bag Sammelbeutel
sample bag staple Musterbeutelklammer
sample bag staples Musterbeutelklammern
sample bags Sammelbeutel
sample book Musterbuch
sample books Musterbücher
sample capacity Probenkapazität
sample cards Musterkarten
sample case Musterkoffer
sample cell Messküvette
sample cells Messküvetten
Sample collection Musterkollektion
sample consignment Mustersendung
sample consignments Mustersendungen
sample container Probenbehälter
sample containers Probenbehälter
sample correlation Stichprobenkorrelation
sample cutting machine Musterschneidemaschine
sample data Stichprobendaten
sample delivery Musterlieferung
sample distribution Stichprobenverteilung
sample drilling machine Probespänebohrmaschine
sample evaporation Probenverlust
sample fairs Mustermessen
sample flow rate Luftentnahmestrom
sample form Musterformular
sample forms Musterformulare
Sample group Probe
sample identification Probenidentifizierung
sample increment Einzelprobe
sample increments Einzelproben
sample injection Probeneinspritzung
sample item Musterstück
sample items Musterstücke
sample letter Musterbrief
sample man Probenehmer
Sample not for sale. Unverkäufliches Muster.
sample of bending work Biegeprobe
sample of no value Muster ohne Wert
sample of one's work Arbeitsprobe
sample of the soil Bodenprobe
sample on approval Ansichtssendung
sample order Musterauftrag
sample orders Musteraufträge
sample pack Probesendung
sample package Mustersendung
sample packages Mustersendungen
sample packs Probesendungen
sample part Musterteil
sample piece Probe
sample pieces Proben
sample preparation Probenvorbereitung
sample print Arbeitskopie
sample pulse Abtastimpuls
sample quadrat Probequadrat
sample quadrats Probequadrate
sample quantile Stichprobenquantil
sample quotations Musterangebote
sample rate, sampling rate Samplerate
sample return Probenrückführung
sample run length Stichproben-Runlänge
sample saggers Probekapseln
sample selection feature Auswahleinrichtung
sample sentence Beispielsatz
sample size Stichprobenumfang
sample solution Probenlösung
sample solutions Probenlösungen
Sample space Ergebnismenge
sample statistic Stichproben-Statistik
sample sth. eine Probe nehmen
sample stock Musterlager
sample strew Exemplarstreuung
sample teeth Musterzähne
sample text Textprobe
sample tooth Musterzahn
sample tree Probebaum
sample trees Probebäume
sample value Stichprobenwert
sample wines Weine verkosten
sample without value Muster ohne Wert
sample workpiece Arbeitsprobe
sample, copy Expl. : Exemplar
sample, scan abtasten
sample-and-hold circuit Abtast-Halte-Glied
sample-hold unit Abtast-Halte-Schaltung
sampled abgetastet
sampled data control Tastregelung
sampled data feedback controllers Abtastregler
sampled data filtering Abtastfilterung
sampled signal abgetastetes Signal
sampled value Abtastwert
sampled-data controller Abtastregler
sampled-data filter Abtastfilter
sampled-data period Abtastperiode
sampled-data time Abtastperiode
sampleite Sampleit
sampler Prüfer
samplers Probierer
samples Prüfkörper
samples exhibition Mustermesse
samples fair Mustermesse
samples folder Musterbuch
sampling Kosten
sampling capacitor Abtastkondensator
sampling capacitors Abtastkondensatoren
sampling circuit Abtastschaltung
sampling control Abtastregelung
sampling cycle Abtastintervall
sampling cylinder Probezylinder
sampling cylinders Probezylinder
sampling device Abtaster
sampling devices Probenahmegeräte
sampling element Abtaster