English German
Schongau Schongau LU
Schonstett Schonstett
Schonungen Schonungen
school abrichten
school achievement Abschneiden in der Schule
School Act Schulgesetz
school administration Schulaufsicht
school age Schulalter
school assembly Schulversammlung
school association Schulverein
school atlas Schul-Atlas
school atlases Schul-Atlanten
school attendance Schulbesuch
school attendance is compulsory es besteht Schulpflicht
school attendant Schuldiener
school avoidance Schulverweigerung
school backpack Schulrucksack
school bag Kodein
school band Schulband
school baths Schulbad
school beginner Abc-Schütze
school beginners Abc-Schützen
school beginning Schulbeginn
school bike Schulmatratze
school board Schulamt
school book Schulbuch
school book depository Schulbuch-Lager
school boy Schüler
school broadcasts Schulfunk
School building Schulgebäude
school building fire Schulhausbrand
school burglary Schuleinbruch
school bus Schulbus
school bus driver Schulbusfahrer
school bus escort Schulbusbegleiter
school bus stop Schulbus-Haltestelle
school bus yellow schulbusgelb
school buses Schulbusse
school busses Schulbusse
school cafeteria Schulkantine
school cafeterias Schulcafeterias
school camp Schullandheim
school campus Schulgelände
school canteen Schulkantine
school career Schullaufbahn
school caretaker Pedell
school caretakers Schulhausmeister
school catchment area Schulbezirk
school certificate Zeugnis
school child Schulkind
school children Schulkinder
school choir Schulchor
school classes Schulklassen
school clock Schuluhr
school committee Schulausschuss
school committees Schulausschüsse
school commons Schulhof
school compass Schulzirkel
school compasses Schulzirkel
school complex Schulkomplex
School Cone Schultüte
school conference Schulkonferenz
school conferences Schulkonferenzen
school council Schulkonferenz
school councils Schulkonferenzen
school counselling Schulberatung
school counselor Schulberater
school crossing Übergang vor einer Schule
school crossing guard Schülerlotsin
school crossing guards Schülerlotsinnen
school crossing patrol Schülerlotsin
school crossing patrolling Schulwegsicherung
school custodian Schulabwart
school custodians Schulabwarte
school day Schultag
school day friend Jugendfreund
school day friends Jugendfreunde
School days Schulzeit
school dental clinic Schulzahnklinik
school dental service Schulzahnpflege
school dentist Schulzahnarzt
school desk Schulbank
school dictionary Schulwörterbuch
School dinner Schulspeisung
School discipline Schulische Disziplin
school district Schulamtsbezirk
school doctor Schularzt
school doctor's certificate schulärztliches Attest
school drop-out Schulabbrecher
school drop-outs Schulabbrecher
school dropout Schulabbrecher
school edition Schulausgabe
school editions Schulausgaben
School education Schulbildung
school English Schulenglisch
school entry examination Schuleingangsuntersuchung
school entry health examination Schuleingangsuntersuchung
school environment schulische Umgebung
school essay Schulaufsatz
school event Schulveranstaltung
school exchange Schüleraustausch
school expulsion Schulverweis
school fees Schulgeld
school festival Schulfest
school finishes at 13.30 Schulschluss ist um 13.30
School finishes at 2.00 pm. Schulschluss ist um 14:00 Uhr.
school for boys Jungenschule
school for children with learning difficulties Förderschule
school for children with speech defects Sprachheilschule
School for Corpses Schule der Leichen
school for girls Mädchenschule
school for hotel management Hotelfachschule
school for interpreters Dolmetscherschule
school for love Liebesschule
School for Sex School for Sex - Rund ums Bett
School for Swingers Tanzstunden-Report
school for the blind Schule für Blinde
school for the deaf Schule für Gehörlose
school for the hearing impaired Schule für Hörgeschädigte
school for the mentally handicapped Schule für Geistigbehinderte
school for the physically disabled Schule für Körperbehinderte
school for the visually impaired Schule für Sehgeschädigte
School for Virgins Josefine - das liebestolle Kätzchen
school friend Schulfreund
school fuck Fick in der Schule
school fucker Schulficker
school function Schulfeier
school furnishings Schulmobiliar
school furniture Schulmobiliar
school furniture factory Schulmöbelfabrik
school furniture industry Schulmöbelbranche
school garden Schulgarten
school girl Schülerin
School Girl Bride Cream - Schwabing-Report
School Girl Killer Sieben Jungfrauen für den Teufel
School Girl Report Part 3 Schulmädchen-Report 3. Teil - Was Eltern nicht mal ahnen
School Girl Temptations Venus im Pelz
school girls Schulmädchen
School Girls 7: The Calendar Girls Blutjunge Verführerinnen, 3. Teil