English German
small keyboard Kleintastatur
small kitchen kleine Küche
small knob Höckerchen
Small lake Teich
Small lathe Schraube
small leaf linden Winterlinde
small leaved lime Winterlinde
small leaved linden Winterlinde
small letter Kleinbuchstabe
Small letters Kleinbuchstaben
small lifu white-eye Ameisenbrillenvogel
Small Lion Kleiner Löwe
small livestock Kleinvieh
small loan Kleinkredit
small lump Knubbel
small lymphocytic lymphoma , SLL kleinzelliges B-Zell-Lymphom
Small Magellanic Cloud Magellansche Wolken
Small Magellanic Cloud , SMC Kleine Magellan'sche Wolke
small mammals Kleinsäuger
small market town Marktflecken
Small market-town Fleck
small marsh Sumpfloch
Small mat Zug
small matter Kleinigkeit
Small meal Imbiß
Small Memories Kleine Erinnerungen
small minded kleinkariert
small minivet Zwergmennigvogel
small moped Mofa
small mortar Böller
small motorbike Kleinkraftrad
small motorcycle Kleinkraftrad
small motorcycles Kleinmotorräder
Small mountain Fjell
small multi-purpose pliers Klein-Kombizange
small municipality kleine Gemeinde
Small Münsterländer Kleiner Münsterländer
small narcissus flies Kleine Narzissenfliegen
small narcissus fly Kleine Narzissenfliege
small nettle, dwarf nettle, burning nettle Kleine Brennnessel
small niltava Feenblauschnäpper
Small nuclear RNA SnRNA
small number of children Kinderarmut
small nursery Kamp
small octave kleine Oktave
small of the back Kreuz
small off-shooting dike kleiner magmatischer Gesteinsausläufer
small offset printing Kleinoffsetdruck
small omentum Omentum minus
small outpatient clinic Ambulatorium
small oval pizza Pizzazunge
small oxygen mask Sauerstoffmaske
small oxygen masks Sauerstoffmasken
small packet Päckchen
small paint roller Mäuschen
small pan Pfännchen
small pants Höschen
small parcel of books Büchersendung
small parcels Päckchen
small part Stückchen
small parties Kleinparteien
small parts Kleinteile
small parts storage box Kleinteilekasten
small parts store Kleinteilelager
small parts vendor Kleinteilelieferant
small party Kleinpartei
small pasque flower Wiesen-Kuhschelle
small pasqueflower Wiesen-Kuhschelle
small paten kleine Patene
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary Braunfleckiger Perlmutterfalter
Small Pica Schriftgröße 11 Punkt
small picture given to school children for merit Fleißbildchen
small pie Törtchen
small piece Stück
small piece of lead Bleistückchen
small piece of wood Hölzchen
small pieces of furniture Kleinmöbel
small pigtail Rattenschwänzchen
small pigtails Rattenschwänzchen
small pillwort Kleiner Pillenfarn
Small pipe Cañete
Small Planet Airlines Small Planet Airlines
Small plant Gewürz
small plate Plättchen
small plum Pfläumchen
small plums Pfläumchen
small poplar longhorn beetle Kleiner Pappelbock
Small pox Pocken
small present Mitbringsel
small presents Mitbringsel
small pretzel Brezel
small print Kleindruck
small public library Bücherei
small punched card Kleinlochkarte
Small quantity Verdacht
small quantity handling Kleinmengen-Handling
small radish Radieschen
small rake Kleinkremmer
small rakes Kleinkremmer
small ranunculus Kompass-Latticheule
small ratchet Rädchen
small red damselfly Späte Adonisjungfer
small relay Kleinrelais
small ribbon Schleifchen
small roller Mäuschen
small room Kammer
small rooms Kammern
small rose Röschen
small roses Röschen
small rowing boat Schinakel
small runabout kleiner Flitzer
Small Sacrifices Blick in den Abgrund
Small Sagittarius Star Cloud Kleine Sagittarius-Wolke
small salary kleines Gehalt
small sallow mining bee Frühe Erdbiene
small sallow mining-bee Frühe Erdbiene
small sandpit mining bee Kleine Gruben-Sandbiene
small sandpit mining-bee Kleine Gruben-Sandbiene
small saphenous vein Vena saphena parva
small saver Kleinsparer
small scabious mining bee Hellrote Sandbiene
small scabious mining-bee Hellrote Sandbiene
small scale integration Kleinstintegration
small scaled snake Schreckensotter
small scandal kleiner Skandal
small screaming armadillo Kleines Borsten-Gürteltier
small sea hare Kleiner Seehase
small seahare Kleiner Seehase
small seed Kern
small seed dispenser Kleinsamenstreuer
small semolina dumplings Grießklößchen
small series Miniserie
small shaggy bee Kleine Zottelbiene
small shaggy-bee Kleine Zottelbiene
small shareholder Kleinaktionär
small shareholders Kleinaktionäre
small ship Schiffchen
small shop kleiner Laden
small shopkeeper Kramer
small shopkeepers Kramer
small shot Schrot
Small shovel Farbpalette
small shunting locomotive K-Lok
small signal Kleinsignal
small signal transistor Kleinsignaltransistor
small size Kleinheit
Small Skipper Braunkolbiger Braun-Dickkopffalter
small slaty flycatcher Vanikoromonarch
small sleeping compartment abgeschlossener Schlafraum