English German
textbook Leitfaden
textbook collections Lehrbuchsammlungen
textbook example Paradebeispiel
textbook knowledge Lehrbuchwissen
textbook lines Lehrbuchmeinung
textbook of anatomy Anatomie
textbook of dermatology Dermatologie-Lehrbuch
textbook of gynaecology Gynäkologielehrbuch
textbook of gynecology Gynäkologielehrbuch
textbook of immunology Immunologie-Lehrbuch
textbook of neurology Neurologie-Lehrbuch
textbook of neuroradiology Neuroradiologie-Lehrbuch
textbook of neurosurgery Neurochirurgie-Lehrbuch
textbook of paediatrics Pädiatrie-Lehrbuch
textbook of pediatrics Pädiatrie-Lehrbuch
textbook of psychiatry Psychiatrie-Lehrbuch
textbook of radiology Radiologie-Lehrbuch
textbook of surgery Chirurgie-Lehrbuch
textbook pregnancy Bilderbuchschwangerschaft
textbooks Leitfäden
textcolor Textfarbe
textcolour Textfarbe
texted gesimst
TextEdit TextEdit
textfax Textfax
textile Stoff
textile adhesive Textilkleber
textile archaeology Textilarchäologie
textile archeology Textilarchäologie
textile assembly trade Konfektionsbranche
textile care Textilpflege
textile care product Textilpflege
textile care sector Textilpflegebranche
textile chemistry Textilchemie
textile cleaner Textilreiniger
textile cleaning Textilreinigung
textile clothing Textilbekleidung
textile company Textilunternehmen
textile cord tire Textilreifen
textile cord tires Textilreifen
textile cord tyres Textilreifen
textile drier Textiltrockner
textile dryer Textiltrockner
textile engineering Textiltechnik
Textile fabric Textilgewebe
textile factories Textilfabriken
textile factory Textilfabrik
textile fiber Textilfaser
textile fibers Textilfasern
textile fibre textile Faser
textile fibres Textilfasern
textile finishing Textilveredelung
textile glass Textilglas
textile glass yarn Textilglasgarn
textile goods Textilwaren
textile industry Textilindustrie
textile layer Stoffschicht
textile machine Textilmaschine
textile machines Textilmaschinen
textile manufacturer Textilhersteller
Textile manufacturing terminology Tarlatan
textile material Stoff
textile mill Textilfabrik
textile museum Textilmuseum
textile oil Textilöl
textile operator Textilmaschinenführer
textile plant Textilpflanze
textile plants Textilbetriebe
textile printing Stoffdruck
textile printing machine Textildruckmaschine
textile product Textilerzeugnis
textile products Textilerzeugnisse
textile quality Textilqualität
textile research Textilforschung
textile ribbon Gewebefarbband
textile sauna Textilsauna
textile scissors Stoffschere
textile sector Textilwirtschaft
textile trade Textilgeschäft
textile upholstery Stoffpolsterung
textile web textile Bahn
textile worker Textilarbeiter
textile-care product Textilpflege
textile-manufacturing company Textilunternehmen
textile-reinforced concrete Beton light
textiles sector Textilbranche
textiles) quellbeständig
texting SMSen
textspeak SMS-Jargon
textual wörtlich
textual analyses Textanalysen
textual analysis Textanalyse
textual comparison Synopse
textual criticism Textkritik
textual data Textdaten
textual information Textinformationen
textual research Textforschung
textual source Textvorlage
textual tradition Textüberlieferung
textuality Textualität
textually textlich
textura Textur
textural strukturell
texturally strukturell
texture Zeichnung
texture blur Texture-Blur
texture bricks Rustikaziegel
texture buffer Texturbuffer
Texture fill Textur
texture map Texture-Map
Texture mapping Texture Mapping
texture screen Effektnegativ
texture screen effect Rastereffekt
texture simulation Textursimulation
texture-conversion effect Texturumwandlungseffekt
textured strukturiert
textured concrete strukturierter Sichtbeton
textured filament yarn texturiertes Filamentgarn
textured surface strukturierte Oberfläche
textured thread Zwirn aus Kräuselgarn
Textured vegetable protein Texturiertes Soja
textured yarn Bauschgarn
textures Gewebe
texturing strukturierend
texturing machine Texturiermaschine
texturing method Kräuselgarnverfahren
texturing operation Kräuselvorgang
texturing process Kräuselvorgang
texturized yarn Texturgarn
texturizing Texturierung
Textus muscularis Textus muscularis
Textus Receptus Textus receptus
Tey Tij
Teydean chaffinch Teidefink
Teydefinch Teidefink
Teykovo Teikowo
Tezcatlipoca Tezcatlipoca
Tezozomoc Tezozómoc
Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize Osamu-Tezuka-Kulturpreis
Teódosio de Gouveia Teodósio Clemente de Gouveia
Teófilo Stevenson Teófilo Stevenson