English German
third person dritte Person
third power dritte Potenz
Third Punic War Dritter Punischer Krieg
Third Reich Drittes Reich
Third Republic Dritte Republik
Third Ring Dritter Verkehrsring
Third Rock from the Sun Hinterm Mond gleich links
Third Rome Drittes Rom
third root Kubikwurzel
third sacral vertebra dritter Sakralwirbel
Third Servile War Spartacus-Aufstand
third sex das dritte Geschlecht
third shell M-Schale
Third Side of the Coin Das dritte Gesicht
third spacing dritter Raum
third stomach Blättermagen
third stream Third Stream
third thoracic vertebra dritter Brustwirbel
Third time is a charm Aller guten Dinge sind drei
third time's a charm aller guten Dinge sind drei
third ventricle of brain dritte Hirnkammer
third ventricle of cerebrum dritte Hirnkammer
Third Watch Third Watch – Einsatz am Limit
Third Way Dritter Weg
third wheel Kleinbodenrad
third wire Nulleiter
Third World Dritte Welt
Third World aid policy Entwicklungspolitik
Third Year at Malory Towers Ein Pferd im Internat
third-angle projection amerikanische Projektion
third-best dritt-best...
third-class drittklassig
third-country national Drittstaatsangehörige
third-country nationals Drittstaatsangehörige
third-degree des dritten Grades
third-degree burn Verbrennung dritten Grades
third-degree frostbite Erfrierung dritten Grades
third-generation computer Computer der dritten Generati
third-generation immigrants Einwanderer der dritten Generation
third-generation mobile network Mobilfunknetz der dritten Generation
third-largest ... drittgrösste ...
third-order intercept Intercept-Punkt dritter Ordnung
third-party von
third-party ... Drittanbieter...
third-party account Anderkonto
third-party business Drittgeschäft
third-party charging Belastung an Drittperson
third-party funded research Drittmittelforschung
third-party funds Drittmittel
third-party insurance Haftpflichtversicherung
third-party insurance policy Haftpflichtversicherungspolice
third-party insurance premium Haftpflichtversicherungsprämie
third-party liability Betriebshaftpflicht
Third-party logistics Third Party Logistics
third-party mandate: signing powers Bankvollmacht
third-party motion to vacat Drittwiderspruchsklage
third-party motor insurance Autohaftpflichtversicherung
third-party motor vehicle insurance Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung
third-party product Fremdfabrikat
third-party securities deposit account Treuhanddepot
third-party services Fremdleistungen
third-party software Fremdsoftware
third-party supplier Drittanbieter
third-party suppliers Drittanbieter
third-party supply Fremdeinspeisung
third-party vendor Drittlieferant
third-party vendors Drittlieferanten
third-party-funded research Drittmittelforschung
Third-person shooter Third-Person-Shooter
third-placed competitor in an Olympic event Olympiadritte
third-rail dreischienig
third-rate drittklassig
Third-rate film Kohlrübe
thirdly drittens
thirdly and lastly drittens und letztens
thirds dritteln
thirst Brand
thirst fever Durstfieber
thirst for action Tatendrang
thirst for adventure Abenteuerlust
thirst for blood Blutdurst
thirst for fame Ruhmsucht
thirst for glory Ruhmsucht
thirst for knowledge Wissensdurst
thirst for land Landhunger
thirst for love Liebesdurst
thirst for power Machtgier
thirst for revenge Rachedurst
thirst for sth. nach etw. lechzen
thirst for vengeance Rachedurst
thirst quencher Durstlöscher
thirst quenching durstlöschend
thirst-quenching durstlöschend
thirstiest am durstigsten
thirstily durstig
thirstiness Durstgefühl
thirsting for action tatendurstig
thirsting for education bildungshungrig
thirsty durstig
thirsty for knowledge wissbegierig
thirsty for love liebesdurstig
thirsty for success erfolgsdurstig
thirsty work Arbeit, die Durst macht
thirteen dreizehn
Thirteen Chairs Dreizehn Stühle
Thirteen Colonies Dreizehn Kolonien
Thirteen Days Thirteen Days
Thirteen Days to Die Der Fluch des schwarzen Rubin
Thirteen desserts Quatre Mediants
Thirteen Reasons Why Tote Mädchen lügen nicht
Thirteen Senses Thirteen Senses
thirteen-sided figure Dreizehneck
Thirteen-spotted lady beetle Dreizehnpunkt-Marienkäfer
thirteen-year-old Dreizehnjähriger
thirteen-year-old boy Dreizehnjähriger
thirteen-year-old girl Dreizehnjährige
thirteenth dreizehnte
thirteenth century 13. Jahrhundert
thirteenth salary dreizehntes Monatsgehalt
Thirteenth Tribe Der dreizehnte Stamm. Das Reich der Khasaren und sein Erbe
thirteenthly dreizehntens
thirties dreißiger Jahre
thirtieth Dreißigste