English German
thoughtfulness Rücksicht
thoughtless leichtfertig
Thoughtless blunder Frevel
thoughtlessly rücksichtslos
thoughtlessness Unaufmerksamkeit
thoughts dachte
Thoughts Of A Predicate Felon Thoughts Of A Predicate Felon
thoughts of revenge Rachegedanken
thoughts of suicide Selbstmordgedanken
thought} finden
thousand Tausend
thousand billion Billiarde
thousand billions Billiarde
thousand billionth billiardstel
thousand billionth of a second Billiardstelsekunde
Thousand Days War Krieg der Tausend Tage
thousand decillion Dezilliarde
thousand dollar bill Tausend-Dollar-Schein
thousand dollar note Tausend-Dollar-Schein
Thousand Island dressing Thousand-Island-Dressing
Thousand Islands Thousand Islands
thousand million Milliarde
thousand million million Billiarde
thousand millionth milliardstel
thousand millionth of a second Milliardstelsekunde
thousand millionth part Milliardstel
thousand nonillion Nonilliarde
Thousand Oaks Thousand Oaks
thousand octillion Oktilliarde
thousand trillions Trillarde
thousand trillionth Trilliardstel
Thousand years old Jahrtausend
thousand-leaf Schafgarbe
thousand-mark bill Tausend-Mark-Schein
thousand-mark note Tausend-Mark-Schein
thousand-pager Tausendseiter
thousand-seal Schafgarbe
thousand-seed weight Tausendkorngewicht
thousand-shilling bill Tausend-Schilling-Schein
thousand-shilling note Tausend-Schilling-Schein
thousand-year flood Jahrtausendflut
thousandfold tausendfach
thousands zigtausend
thousands of Tausendschaften
thousands of men from Down Under tausende Männer aus Austrialien und Neuseeland
thousands of military personnel tausende Militärangehörige
Thousands of people were displaced by the flood. Tausende Menschen wurden durch die Flut obdachlos.
thousands of years of jahrtausendelang