English German
thrive erfolgreich sein
thrive on sth. von etw. leben
thrive {throve, thrived Erfolg haben
thrived gedieh
thriven, thrived} Erfolg haben
thrives gedeiht
thriving blühend
thriving trade blühende Geschäfte
throat Öffnung
throat cancer Kehlkopfkrebs
throat depth Ausladung
throat lozenge Halsschmerztablette
throat mic Kehlkopfmikro
throat micro Kehlkopfmikro
Throat microphone Kehlkopfmikrofon
throat mike Kehlkopfmikro
throat patch Kehlfleck
throat plate Stichplatte
throat pleats Furchen
throat pouch Kehlsack
throat redness Rachenrötung
throat rippers Rachenputzer
throat sac Kehlsack
throat seam Kehlnaht
Throat singing Obertongesang
throat smear Rachenabstrich
throat spot Kehltupfen
throat spots Kehltupfen
throat spray Halsspray
throat swab Rachenabstrich
throat type screw press einsträndrige Spindelpresse
throat-swab Rachenabstrich
throatiest am kehligsten
throatily kehlig
throating Wasserschenkel
throats Gurgeln
throaty rau
throaty moan kehliges Stöhnen
throaty moaning kehliges Gestöhn
throaty moans kehliges Gestöhn
throaty sigh kehliges Seufzen
throaty voice kehlige Stimme
throb klopfen
throbbed geklopft
throbber symbol Throbber-Symbol
throbbing Klopfen
throbbing cock pochender Schwanz
throbbing pain klopfende Schmerzen
throbs klopft
Throckmorton County Throckmorton County
throe Wehen
throes Wehen
throes of childbirth Geburtswehen
throes of death Agonie
thrombasthenia Thrombasthenie
thrombectomy Thrombektomie
thrombectomy catheter Thrombektomiekatheter
thrombelastogram Blutgerinnungsablaufkurve
thrombelastography , TEG Thrombelastographie , TEG
thrombelastometry , TEM Thrombelastometrie , TEM
thrombembolia Thrombembolie
thrombi Gerinnsel
Thrombinogen Thrombin
thromboangiitis obliterans Arteriitis obliterans
thromboclastic Thrombolytikum
thromboclastic agent Thrombolytikum
thrombocyte Blutplättchen
thrombocyte aggregation inhibitor , TAI Thrombozytenaggregationshemmer , TAH
thrombocytes Thrombozyten
thrombocythaemia Thrombozythämie
thrombocythemia Thrombozythämie
thrombocytic dystrophy Thrombozytendystrophie
thrombocytopaenia Thrombozytopenie
thrombocytopenia Thrombozytopenie
thrombocytosis Thrombocytose
thromboelastography , TEG Thrombelastographie , TEG
thromboelastometry , TEM Thrombelastometrie , TEM
thromboembolia Thromboembolie
thromboembolism Thromboembolie
thrombogenesis Thrombusbildung
thrombogenic gerinnselbildend
thromboid gerinnselartig
thrombokinesis Koagulation
thrombolysis Thrombolyse
thrombolytic Thrombolytikum
thrombolytic agent Thrombolytikum
thrombolytic drug Thrombolytikum
thrombolytic therapy Thrombolysebehandlung
Thrombomodulin Thrombomodulin
thrombopathy Thrombopathie
thrombopenia Thrombopenie
Thrombophilia Thrombophilie
thrombophilic thrombophil
thrombophlebitis Thrombophlebitis
Thrombopoietin Thrombopoetin
thromboprophylactic stocking Thromboseprophylaxestrumpf
thromboprophylactic stockings Thromboseprophylaxestrümpfe
thrombose Blutpfropfbildung
thromboses of the portal vein Pfortaderthrombosen
thrombosinusitis Hirnsinusthrombose
thrombosis Thrombose
thrombosis of the portal vein Pfortaderthrombose
thrombosis of the renal vein Nierenvenenthrombose
thrombosis prevention Thromboseprophylaxe
thrombosis prophylaxis Thromboseprophylaxe
thrombosis syndrome Thrombose-Syndrom
thrombospondin Thrombospondin
thrombospondin 1 , THBS1 Thrombospondin 1 , THBS1
thrombospondin 2 , THBS2 Thrombospondin 2 , THBS2
thrombospondin 3 , THBS3 Thrombospondin 3 , THBS3
thrombospondin 4 , THBS4 Thrombospondin 4 , THBS4
thrombospondins Thrombospondine