English German
triptych Triptychon
triptyque Triptyk
Tripura Tripura
tripwire Stolperdraht
tripyrazolylboranate , Tp Tripyrazolylboranate , Tp
Triquetra Triqueta
triquetral bone Dreiecksbein
trireme Trireme
Trisagion Trisagion
trisborate , Tp Trisborat , Tp
trisborates , Tp Trisborate , Tps
triscopic suction tube dreiteiliges Teleskopsaugrohr
trisect dreiteilen
trisected dreimal geteilt
Trish Stratus Patricia Anne Stratigias
Trisha Brown Trisha Brown
trishaw Rikscha
trisilane Trisilan
trisistor Trisistor
triskaidekaphobia Triskaidekaphobie
triskele Dreierwirbel
Triskelion Triskele
trismus Kaumuskelkrampf
trisomy Down-Syndrom
trisomy 13 Trisomie 13
trisomy 18 Trisomie 18
trisomy 21 Trisomie 21
trisomy 3 Trisomie 3
trisomy 8 Trissomie 8
trisomy 9 Trisomie 9
Trisong Detsen Trisong Detsen
trispiro compound Trispiro-Verbindung
trispyrazolylborates , Tp Trispyrazolylborate , Tps
Trisram's starling Tristramstar
Tristan Tristan
Tristan albatross Tristan-Albatros
Tristan and Iseult Tristan und Isolde
Tristan and Isolda Tristan und Isolde
Tristan and Isolde Tristan und Isolde
Tristan chord Tristan-Akkord
Tristan Corbière Tristan Corbière
Tristan da Cunha Tristan da Cunha
Tristan moorhen Tristan-Inselralle
tristan thrush Tristandrossel
Tristan Tzara Tristan Tzara
Tristan und Isolde Tristan und Isolde
Tristana Tristana
TriStar TriStar
tristate Tristate
tristate gate Tristate-Gatter
tristate output Tristate-Ausgang
tristate technique Tristate-Technik
tristearin Tristearin
tristimulus method Dreibereichsverfahren
tristimulus value Farbwert
Tristram's bunting Tristramammer
Tristram's honeyeater Tristramhonigfresser
Tristram's jird Tristram-Rennmaus
Tristram's serin Zederngirlitz
Tristram's storm petrel Tristramwellenläufer
Tristram's warbler Atlasgrasmücke
Tristram's wheatear Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer