English German
troopship Transportschiff
troopships Truppentransportschiffe
trooptrain Truppentransporter
Trop-plein Pflanzenbewegung
Tropaeolaceae Kapuzinerkressengewächse
Tropaeolum majus Kapuzinerkresse
tropaeolum nasturtium Kapuzinerkressen
Tropaia Tropea
Tropane Tropan
tropane alkaloid Tropa-Alkaloid
Troparion Troparion
trope Tropus
Trope of comparison Metapher
Tropenmuseum Tropenmuseum
Trophallaxis Trophallaxis
Tropheus Tropheus
trophi Fresswerkzeuge
trophic Ernährungs ...
trophic chain Nahrungskette
trophic criterion Trophiekriterium
Trophic dynamics Trophieniveau
trophic interaction trophische Wechselwirkung
trophic level Trophiegrad
trophic linkage trophische Beziehung
trophic magnification Biomagnifikation
trophic niche Nahrungsnische
trophic pyramid Ernährungsstufenpyramide
trophic relation Nahrungsbeziehung
trophic state Ernährungszustand
trophic status Trophiezustand
trophic structure of an ecosystem trophische Struktur eines Ökosystems
trophic type Ernährungstyp
trophic types Ernährungstypen
trophic ulcer Ulcus trophicum
trophies Sportpokale
trophoblast Trophoblast
trophoblastic neoplasm Trophoblasttumor
trophoblastic neoplasms Trophoblasttumoren
trophoblasts Trophoblasten
trophogenic layer Nährschicht
trophy Trophäe
trophy hunting Trophäenjagd
trophy money Preisgeld
Trophy of Augustus Tropaeum Alpium
Trophée des champions Trophée des Champions
Trophée Eric Bompard Trophée Eric Bompard
tropi-proof tropenfest
tropic tropisch
tropic birds Tropikvögel
tropic desert Tropenwüste
tropic of Cancer Wendekreis des Krebses
tropic of Capricorn Wendekreis des Steinbocks
Tropic Thunder Tropic Thunder
tropic-proof klimafest
tropical tropisch
tropical ... Tropen...
Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests Regenwald
tropical backpack Tropen-Rucksack
tropical beach Tropenstrand
tropical beaked whale Blainvilles-Schnabelwal
tropical belt Tropengürtel
tropical boubou Boubouwürger
Tropical climate Tropen
tropical climate zone tropische Klimazone
tropical cloud forest tropischer Nebelwald
tropical countries Länder in den Tropen
tropical country Land in den Tropen
Tropical cyclone Tropischer Wirbelsturm
tropical cyclones tropische Wirbelstürme
tropical depression tropischer Wirbelsturm
tropical depression, TD tropisches Tief
tropical desert tropische Wüste
Tropical disease Tropenkrankheit
tropical diseases Tropenkrankheiten
tropical disturbance tropische Störung
tropical dry broadleaf forest tropischer Trockenwald
tropical ecologist Tropenökologe
tropical ecology Tropenökologie
tropical eosinophilia tropische Eosinophilie
tropical fever Tropenfieber
tropical forest Tropenwald
tropical frenzy Tropenkoller
tropical fruit Südfrucht
tropical fruits Südfrüchte
tropical fungi Tropenpilze
tropical fungus Tropenpilz
tropical gar tropischer Knochenhecht
tropical garden Tropengarten
tropical geometry tropische Geometrie
tropical germ Tropenkeim
tropical germs Tropenkeime
tropical gnatcatcher Amazonas-Mückenfänger
tropical hat Tropenhut
Tropical Heat Tropical Heat
tropical helmet Tropenhelm
tropical hot desert climate trockenes Passatklima
tropical house mosquito Südliche Hausmücke
tropical hygiene Tropenhygiene
tropical institute Tropeninstitut
tropical institutes Tropeninstitute
tropical insulation Tropenisolation
tropical island Tropeninsel
Tropical Issue Dolly und der Paradiesvogel
tropical kingbird Trauertyrann
tropical lake Tropensee
tropical landscape Landschaft in den Tropen
tropical madness Tropenkoller
tropical medicine Tropenmedizin
tropical milkweed Indianer-Seidenpflanze
tropical mockingbird Tropenspottdrossel
tropical night Tropennacht
tropical nights Tropennächte
tropical parula Elfenwaldsänger
tropical periwinkle Gerippte Haufenschnecke
tropical pewee Spixtyrann
tropical pine Tropenkiefer
tropical plant tropische Pflanze
tropical plants Tropengewächse
tropical product Tropenprodukt
tropical products Tropenprodukte
tropical pulmonary eosinophilia , TPE tropische pulmonale Eosinophilie , TPE
tropical pyomyositis Pyomyositis tropicans (eine bakterielle Infektion der Skelettmuskulatur
tropical radio band Tropenband
tropical rain forest tropischer Regenwald
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
tropical rainforest tropischer Regenwald
tropical rainforest conservation Schutz des tropischen Regenwaldes
tropical rains tropische Regenfälle
tropical rat flea Indischer Rattenfloh
tropical rock lobster Schmuck-Languste
tropical rucksack Tropen-Rucksack
tropical sage Blut-Salbei
tropical screech owl Cholibaeule
tropical scrubwren Beccari-Sericornis
tropical shirt Tropenhemd
tropical sore kutane Leishmaniose