Search term gottlos has 14 results
DE German EN English
gottlos (a) [allgemein] ungodly (a) [allgemein]
gottlos (a) [Religion] godless (a) [Religion] (formal)
gottlos (a) [Religion] impious (a) [Religion]
gottlos wicked
gottlos wickedly
DE German EN English
gottlos contemptible
gottlos (adj) [not acknowledging any deity or god; without belief in any deity or god] godless (adj) [not acknowledging any deity or god; without belief in any deity or god] (formal)
gottlos sinful (literature)
gottlos unholy
gottlos contemptibly
gottlos profanely
gottlos sinfully
gottlos impiously
gottlos godlessly

German English translations

DE Synonyms for gottlos EN Translations
atheistisch [Gott leugnend] atheistic
ungläubig [Gott leugnend] incredulous
religionslos [Gott leugnend] irreligious
pietätlos [Gott leugnend] impious
unreligiös [Gott leugnend] irreligious
lästerlich [Gott leugnend] malicious
ruchlos [Gott leugnend] nefarious
freidenkerisch [Gott leugnend] freethinking
freigeistig [Gott leugnend] free-spirited
irreligiös [Gott leugnend] irreligious
sündhaft [blasphemisch] sinful (literature)
gotteslästerlich [blasphemisch] sacrilegious
konfessionslos [ohne Glauben] undenominational
pagan [ohne Glauben] pagan
heidnisch [ohne Glauben] heathenish
areligiös [religionslos] areligious
knapp [niederträchtig] by the skin of one's teeth
schlecht [niederträchtig] sick to one's stomach
böse [niederträchtig] evil
niedrig [niederträchtig] menial