English Spanish
change tack cambiar de rumbo
change to cambiar a
changeability variabilidad
changeable irregular
changeableness versatilidad
changeless inalterable
Changelog Registro de cambios
changeover conversión
Changsha Changsha
Changwon Changwon
Chania La Canea
Chania Prefecture La Canea
channel estrecho
Channel Islands islas del Canal
Channel Islands of California Archipiélago del Norte
Channel surfing Zapping
Channel Tunnel Eurotúnel
Channel-billed Toucan Ramphastos vitellinus
channeling conductivo
channelling canalización
Chanoch Nissany Janoj Nisani
Chansey Lista de Pokémon
chansonnier cantante de cabaret
chant canto
chanterelle chantarela
Chantico Chantico
Chantilly Chantilly
Chantilly cream Chantilly
Chanukah Hanukkah
Chanukkah Hanukkah
Chanéaz Chanéaz
chaos anarquía
Chaos and Creation in the Backyard Chaos and Creation in the Backyard
Chaos magic Magia del caos
Chaos Space Marines Caos
Chaos terrain Caos
chaos theory teoría del Caos
chaotic confuso
chaotically caóticamente
Chaow Caos
Chaozhou Shantou
chap raja
chaparral chaparro
Chapayevka River Orina
chapel capilla
Chapelle Chapelle
Chapelle-sur-Moudon Chapelle-sur-Moudon
chaperon carabina
Chaperona Proteína chaperona
chaperonage acompãnamiento
chaperone carabina
Chaperonin Proteína chaperona
chaperoning concomitante
Chapimarca District Distrito de Chapimarca
chaplain capellán castrense
chaplaincy capellanía
Chaplet of Divine Mercy Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia
Chapman Stick Chapman Stick
Chapman's antshrike batará de Chapman
chaps zahones
chapter episodio
Chapterhouse Dune Casa Capitular Dune
Chapultepec Chapultepec
Chapultepec Castle Castillo de Chapultepec
Chapultepec Peace Accords Acuerdos de Paz de Chapultepec
char carbonizar
Char siu Char Siew
Characidae Characidae
Characiformes Characiformes
character original
Character creation Personaje de ficción
Character Map Mapa de caracteres
Character piece Pieza de carácter
Character sketch Retrato
character template plantilla de caracteres
characteristic distintivo