English Spanish
floss hilo dental
Floss silk tree Chorisia
Flossenbürg Campo de concentración de Flossenbürg
Flossenbürg concentration camp Campo de concentración de Flossenbürg
flotage nadar
flotation flotación
flotilla flotilla
flotsam pecios
flounder forcejeo
flour harina
flourish abrirse
flourishing próspero
floury harinoso
flout mofarse de
flow corriente
flow away irse
Flow birefringence Birrefringencia de flujo
flow chart diagrama de flujo
flow diagram organigrama
flow down verterse
flow field campo de flujo
Flow instability Inestabilidad de flujo
Flow measurement Caudalímetro
Flow network Red de flujo
Flow of work Flujo de trabajo
flow off irse
flow to afluir
flow together confluir
Flow-rate Throughput
flowchart organigrama
flower florecer
flower arrangement arreglos florales
flower girl violetera
Flower of Scotland Flower of Scotland
Flower war Xochiyáoyotl
Flower-fly Syrphidae
flowerbed macizo
flowered floreado
flowering brote
flowering plant angiosperma
Flowering rush Butomaceae
flowerpot vaso
Flowers Menstruación
Flowers and Trees Flowers and Trees
Flowers for Algernon Flores para Algernon
Flowers in the Dirt Flowers in the Dirt
flowery florido
flowing fluido
flowing back descendiente
flowing together confluente
flowing water agua corriente
Floyd Henry Allport Floyd Allport
Floyd Landis Floyd Landis
Floyd Patterson Floyd Patterson
Floyd-Warshall algorithm Algoritmo de Floyd-Warshall
flu gripe
flub metida de pata
Fluconazole Fluconazol