English Spanish
Fritillaria lusitanica Fritillaria lusitanica
Fritillaria meleagris Fritillaria meleagris
Fritjof Capra Fritjof Capra
Frits Zernike Frits Zernike
fritter buñuelo
fritter away gastar
Fritz Fritz
Fritz Albert Lipmann Fritz Albert Lipmann
Fritz August Breuhaus Fritz August Breuhaus
Fritz Haarmann Fritz Haarmann
Fritz Haber Fritz Haber
Fritz Hoffmann Fritz Hoffmann
Fritz Houtermans Fritz Houtermans
Fritz Lang Fritz Lang
Fritz Leiber Fritz Leiber
Fritz Müller Fritz Müller
Fritz Perls Fritz Perls
Fritz Pregl Fritz Pregl
Fritz Sauckel Fritz Sauckel
Fritz Todt Fritz Todt
Fritz Walter Fritz Walter
Fritz Walter Stadion Fritz-Walter-Stadion
Fritz Witt Fritz Witt
Fritz Wunderlich Fritz Wunderlich
Fritz X Fritz X
Friuli Friuli
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Friuli-Venecia Julia
Friulian language Idioma friulano
frivolity frivolidad
frivolous atolondrado
frivolously frívolamente
frizz rizar
frizzily encrespado
frizzle chisporrotear
frizzy crespo
frizzy hair cabello crespo
Frobenius endomorphism Endomorfismo de Frobenius
frock hábito
frock coat levita
Frodo Baggins Frodo Bolsón
frog rana
frog legs ancas de rana
frog's legs ancas de rana
frogman hombre rana
Frogner Park Parque Frogner
frogspawn huevas de rana
Froideville Froideville
frolic retozar
Frolik Island Frolik
from de
from ... forwards desde ... en adelante
from ... on desde ... en adelante
from ... onward desde ... en adelante
from ... onwards desde ... en adelante
from A to Z de pe a pa
From Autumn to Ashes From Autumn to Ashes
From birth De nacimiento
From Dusk Till Dawn From Dusk Till Dawn
from dusk to dawn de sol a sol
From First to Last From First To Last
From head to foot De pies a cabeza
from lack of por falta de
From Me To You From Me to You
from now on de aquí en adelante
from pillar to post ir de Herodes a Pilatos
From Russia with Love Desde Rusia con amor
from side to side a través de
From the Bottom of My Broken Heart From the Bottom of My Broken Heart
from the bottom of one's heart de corazón
From the Earth to the Moon De la Tierra a la Luna
from the first priori
from the ground up desde cero
From the Life of the Marionettes De la vida de las marionetas
From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
from the very beginning desde el comienzo
from there de allí
From this it follows that De ahí que
from time to time de vez en cuando
from under de abajo
from want of por falta de
from where dónde
Fromental Halévy Jacques Fromental Lévy Halévy
frond fronda
frondage fronda