English Spanish
Giuseppe Tornatore Giuseppe Tornatore
Giuseppe Ungaretti Giuseppe Ungaretti
Giuseppe Verdi Giuseppe Verdi
give entregar
give a beating aporrear
give a cough carraspear
give a discount of reducir
give a drubbing pegar
give a good reason for justificar
give a job to emplear
give a lift llevar en coche
give a performance dar una representación
give a ride llevar en coche
give a ride to recoger
give a sign llamar con señas
give a signal señalar
give a ticket to multar
give a try probar
Give a wife Dar por esposa
give account of oneself for responder por
Give again Dar de nuevo
give an explanation dar una explicación
give an idea of hablar en nombre de
give an opinion comentar
give attention to hacer caso de
give away donar
give back devolver
give birth dar a luz
give birth to producir
Give carte blanche Dar libre carrera a
give consideration analizar
give credit for atribuir el crédito
give credit to creer en
give dignity to dignificar
give directions to indicar el camino
give free reign to dar libre curso a
Give free rein to Dar libre carrera a
give full vent to dar libre curso a
give head hacer una mamada
give in ceder
Give in marriage Adherir a
give inspection of dar entrada a
give instructions to informar
give it to regañar
give it to someone straight decir a alguien la completa verdad
give judgment against fallar contra
give judgment for pronunciar un fallo a favor de
give lessons enseñar
give life to animar
give me deme
give me liberty or give me death dadme la libertad o dadme la muerte
Give My Regards to Broad Street Give My Regards to Broad Street
give no credit to dudar de
give notice despedir
give off emitir
give off fluff soltar pelusa
give off lint soltar pelusa
give offense ofender
give on loan to dar prestado a
give or take más o menos
give orders ordenar
Give out as piecework Hacer trabajo a destajo
give precedence to dar precedencia a
give preferential treatment to favorecer
give proof of probar
give rise to causar
give shelter to amparar
give some information to informar
give somebody information avisar a alguien
give somebody tit for tat devolver golpe por golpe
give someone a fright asustar a alguien
give someone a piggyback llevar a alguien a cuestas
give someone sexual education instruir a alguien sobre la educación sexual
give someone the creeps dar grima a alguien
give someone the shivers dar grima a alguien
give someone the willies provocar escalofríos
give someone the works echarle una bronca a alguien
give strength to apuntalar
give the finger alzar el dedo
give the finishing touches to dar los últimos toques
give the meaning of definir
give the right to autorizar
give the sack despedir
give the use of dar prestado a
give thought analizar
give tongue ladrar
give umbrage ofender
give up desertar
give up one' studies abandonar los estudios
give up the ghost entregar el alma
give vent to dar rienda suelta a
give way apartarse
give-away shop tienda gratis
giveaway obsequio
giveaway price precio irrisorio
given dado
given name nombre propio
given up resignado
giver donante
givers dador
giving oferta
Giving a kiss Beso
giving attention to teniendo en cuenta
giving in concesión