English Spanish
Nosadella Giovanni Francesco Bezzi
nose nariz
nose around husmear
Nose bone Hueso propio de la nariz
nose into other people's business meter la nariz en asuntos ajenos
nose out descubrir
nosebleed hemorragia nasal
nosedive picado
nosegay ramillete
nosey entrometido
Nosferatu Nosferatu
Noshaq Nowshak
nosiness curiosidad
nosotros nosotros
Nossa Senhora da Conceição Fortress Fortaleza de Nossa Senhora da Conceição
nostalgia nostalgia
nostalgic nostálgico
Nostoi Los regresos
Nostradamus Nostradamus
Nostradamus Vaticinia Nostradamus
Nostratic languages Macrofamilia nostrática
nostril nariz
nostrum panacea
nosy entrometido
Nosy Be Nosy Be
not no
not a single ni uno
not a thing nada de nada
not able incapaz
not agree with sentar mal
not allowed prohibido
not ambiguous inequívoco
not any ninguna
not applicable inaplicable
not at all en absoluto
not be able to come to grips with something no poder aceptar algo
not be able to get a handle on something no poder aceptar algo
not be able to get to grips with something no poder aceptar algo
not be all that bad no ser tan malo
not be in demand no estar en demanda
not be so bad no ser tan malo
not begrudge no envidiar
not begrudge somebody something no envidiar algo a alguien
not bright apagado
not buy no creer
not capable incapaz
not care a damn no importarse un comino
not care a hoot no importarse un comino
not clear oscuro
not commit oneself no comprometerse
not complicated claro
not correct erróneo
not counting sin contar
not cultivated baldío
not difficult sencillo
not distinctive indescriptible
not do no hacer
not eligible inelegible
not envy no envidiar
not envy somebody something no envidiar algo a alguien
not even ni siquiera
not exactly no exactamente
not expedient inoportuno
not extinct existente
not fall for no creer
not far cerca
Not far off Allí cerca
not feel at ease tener mala onda
not genuine falso
not get very far with no conseguir mucho
not give a damn no importarse un comino
not give away oneself no comprometerse
not go one's way estar en contra de alguien
not grateful ingrato
not guilty inocente
not have carecer de
not have good fortune estar de mala suerte
not have much success with no conseguir mucho
not have the vaguest idea no tener ni la más mínima idea
not have to work estar libre
not human inhumano
not in gear desembragado
not in good physical condition en malas condiciones físicas
Not in Portland No tan cerca de Portland
not in the least en absoluto
not including sin contar
not inherent extrínseco
not long ago hace poco
not make much of no conseguir mucho
not many poco
not meet one's expectations salir mal
not mix with mantenerse alejado de
not much poco
not necessary innecesario
not normal anomalo
not one ni uno
not perfect imperfecto
not perishable imperecedero
not permanent temporal
not planned repentino
not present ausente
not pronounceable impronunciable
not pure impuro
not qualified inelegible
not quite casi
not ready no está preparado
not really no exactamente
not reckon with prescindir de
not reserved no reservado
not salted sin sal
not sell no estar en demanda
not sensible imprudente
not sensibly de manera irrazonable
not serious frívolo
not sexual asexual
not show up no aparecer
not steady variable
not straightforward falso
not strict acomodadizo
not suitable impropio
not tight holgado
not transferable intransferible
not true ficticio