English Spanish
Poecilia wingei Poecilia reticulata
poem poesía
POEMS syndrome Síndrome POEMS
Poena Poena
Poephila Poephila
poet poeta
poetaster poetastra
poetess poetisa
poetic poético
Poetic Edda Edda poética
Poetic transrealism Movimiento transrealista
poetical poético
poetry poesía
Poets of the Fall Poets of the Fall
Pogača Pogača
Pogona Pogona
Pogostemon Pogostemon
Pogoń Szczecin Pogoń Szczecin
Pogradec Distrito de Pogradec
Pogradec District Distrito de Pogradec
pogrom pogrom
Pogson scale Escala de Pogson
Pohjola Pohjola
Pohle Cuerpo
Pohlern Pohlern
Pohnpei Pohnpei
Pohnpei Lorikeet Trichoglossus rubritorquis
Poicephalus Poicephalus
poignancy emoción
poignant conmovedor
poikilothermal de sangre fría
poikilothermic de sangre fría
Poincaré conjecture Conjetura de Poincaré
Poincaré group Grupo de Poincaré
poinsettia pastora roja
point motivo
point at señalar
Point Break Point Break
Point group Sistema cristalino
Point guard Base
Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station Central nuclear de Point Lepreau
Point of contact Punto de contacto
point of departure salida
point of reference estandarte
Point of sale TPV
Point of sale display PLV
point of the compass punto cardinal
point of view punto de vista
point out indicar
point out to señalar
point out to be resultar
point source fuentes puntuales
point to indicar
point towards apuntar hacia
point-blank a quemarropa
Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM PPPoA
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet PPPoE
Point-to-point tunneling protocol PPTP
Pointe du Raz Punta de Raz
Pointe Saint-Mathieu Punta de Saint-Mathieu
Pointe-Noire Pointe-Noire
Pointe-à-Callière Museum Pointe-à-Callière
Pointe-à-Pitre Pointe-à-Pitre