English Spanish
ritualistic ritualista
ritually solemne
ritzy de alta calidad
Riu Ripoll Río Ripoll
Rius Eduardo del Río
Riva Banco
Riva San Vitale Riva San Vitale
Rivadavia Partido Rivadavia
rival antagonista
Rivaldo Rivaldo
rivaling rival
rivalling rival
rivalry rivalidad
Rivas Rivas
Rivastigmine Rivastigmina
Rivaz Rivaz
Rivea corymbosa Rivea corymbosa
Rivendell Rivendel
river río
River Bann Bann
River Barrow Río Barrow
river bed lecho de río
River Bend Nuclear Generating Station Planta de energía nuclear River Bend
River bifurcation Bifurcación de un río
River Boyne Boyne
River Cadagua Río Cadagua
River Clyde Río Clyde
River Corrib Río Corrib
River Cray Río Cray
River delta Delta fluvial
River Don Río Don
River Erne Río Erne
River Foyle Foyle
River Great Ouse Ouse
River horses Hippopotamidae
River Kelvin Río Kelvin
River kingfishers Alcedines
River Lagan Lagan
River lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis
River Lethe Lete
River Liffey Río Liffey
River Medway Río Medway
River Mersey Mersey
River mouth Enbocadura
River Ness Neso
River Nile Río Nilo
River Nore Río Nore
River of No Return Río sin retorno
River Phoenix River Phoenix
River Plate Río de la Plata
River Severn Río Severn
River Shannon Río Shannon
River Sirion Río Sirion
River Spey Río Spey
River Suir Suir
River Taff Río Taff
River Tees Río Tees
River Tern Río Tern
River Thames Támesis
River Tigris Tigris
River Torrens Río Torrens
River Trent Río Trent
River Ure Río Ure
river water agua de río
River Westbourne Río Westbourne
River whaler Carcharhinus leucas
riverbank orilla
riverbed lecho del río
riverboat barco fluvial
Riverense Portuñol Portuñol
Riverine Rabbit Bunolagus monticularis
Rivers of Beleriand Teiglin
Rivers of Gondor Harnen
Rivers of Ireland Ríos de Irlanda
Rivers of Middle-earth Poros
Rivers State Ríos
riverside ribera
Riverside International Raceway Riverside
Riverworld Mundo del Río
rivet remache
riveter remachadora
riveting remachado
Riviera Distrito de Riviera
Rivière Riviera
Rivière du Rempart Distrito de Rivière du Rempart
Rivne Oblast Óblast de Rivne
rivulet arroyo
Riyad Province Riad
Riyadh Riad
Riyadh Province Riad
Riyo Mori Riyo Mori
Rize Province Provincia de Rize
Riñihue Lake Lago Riñihue
RK Zagreb RK Zagreb
RKO Pictures RKO Pictures
RLC circuit Circuito resonante
RLE Run-length encoding
Rlogin Rlogin
RMS Aquitania Aquitania
RMS Britannic HMHS Britannic
RMS Carpathia RMS Carpathia
RMS Lusitania RMS Lusitania
RMS Mauretania RMS Mauretania
RMS Niagara Niágara
RMS Olympic RMS Olympic
RMS Queen Mary Queen Mary
RMS Titanic RMS Titanic
Rn Radón
RNA ácido ribonucleico
RNA interference Ribointerferencia
RNA polymerase ARN polimerasa
RNA virus Virus ARN
RNA world hypothesis Hipótesis del mundo de ARN
Ro ro ship Transbordador
Ro ro vessel Transbordador
roach cucaracha
road calle
road accident accidente de tráfico
Road bicycle racing Ciclismo
road map hoja de ruta
road metal grava
road network red de carreteras
Road of Bones Río Kolyma
Road of Life Camino de la Vida
Road of the Seven Lakes Camino de los Siete Lagos
road roller apisonadora
road safety seguridad en carretera
Road safety camera Radar de tráfico
road salt sal para deshielo de carreteras
road sign señal de tráfico
road sweeper barrendero
road tax impuesto de carreteras