English Spanish
threat amenaza
threaten amenazar
threaten with amenazar con
threatened amenazado
Threatened species Especies amenazadas
threatening amenazador
threateningly amenazantemente
three tres
Three August Ones and Five Emperors Tres augustos y cinco emperadores
Three Blind Mice and Other Stories Tres ratones ciegos y otras historias
Three body problem Problema de tres cuerpos
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
Three color photometry Fotometría con tres colores
Three Crowns Three Crowns
Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
Three domain system Dominio
Three Gorges Dam Presa de las Tres Gargantas
three hundred trescientos
Three Kingdoms Tres Reinos
Three Kingdoms of Korea Tres Reinos de Corea
Three Kings Tres reyes
Three Knights Opening Apertura de los tres caballos
Three Laws of Robotics Tres leyes de la robótica
Three Little Pigs Los tres cerditos
Three marks of existence Tri-Laksana
Three Men and a Comic Book Three Men And A Comic Book
Three Mile Island accident Three Mile Island
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station Three Mile Island
Three Musketeers Los tres mosqueteros
Three Pure Ones Los Tres Puros
three quarters tres cuartos
Three Represents Triple Representatividad
Three Rings Anillo de poder
Three Rural Issues Los tres problemas rurales
Three Secrets of Fatima Misterios de Fátima
Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors Tres augustos y cinco emperadores
Three Stooges Los tres chiflados
Three wise monkeys Los tres monos sabios
Three-age system Tres edades
Three-awn Aristida
three-cornered triangular
three-dimensional tridimensional
Three-domain system Dominio
three-headed tricéfalo
Three-phase AC Sistema trifásico
Three-phase alternating current Sistema trifásico
Three-phase electric power Sistema trifásico