English French
center pivot
Center District District central
Center drill Foret à centrer
Center Front Frente de Centro
Center Game Partie du centre
Center of a group Centre
center of commerce centre commercial
center of gravity centre de gravité
Center of inertia Barycentre
Center of mass Barycentre
Center of New Industries and Technologies Centre des nouvelles industries et technologies
center of trade centre commercial
Center pivot irrigation Irrigation à pivot central
Centered cube number Nombre cubique centré
Centered heptagonal number Nombre heptagonal centré
Centered hexagonal number Nombre hexagonal centré
Centered number Nombre centré
Centered pentagonal number Nombre pentagonal centré
Centered polygonal number Nombre centré
Centered square number Nombre carré centré
Centered triangular number Nombre triangulaire centré
centerfold double page
Centericq CenterICQ
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centesimus Annus Centesimus Annus
Centi Centi
centi- centi-
centiampere centiampère
centigrade Celsius
centimeter centimètre
centimetre centimètre
Centimetre gram second system of units Système CGS
centipede scolopendre
Cento Centon
central central
Central Africa Afrique Centrale
Central African Centrafricain
Central African Republic République centrafricaine
Central African Republic Coupe Nationale Coupe de République centrafricaine de football
Central African Republic national football team Équipe de République centrafricaine de football
Central America Amérique centrale
Central American Parliament Parlement centraméricain
Central and Western District Central and Western
Central Antillean Slider Trachemys stejnegeri
Central Asia Asie centrale
Central Autónoma de Trabajadores Centrale autonome des travailleurs
Central Banat District Banat central
Central bank Banque centrale
Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Central Bank of Brazil Banque centrale du Brésil
Central Bank of Luxembourg Banque centrale du Luxembourg
Central Bank of Russia Banque Centrale de Russie
Central Bearded Dragon Dragon barbu
Central Bohemia Bohème Central
Central Bohemian Region Bohême-Centrale
central business district centre-ville
Central Coast Mariners FC Central Coast Mariners FC
Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin
Central Committee Comité central
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Comité central du Parti communiste chinois
Central Consistory Consistoire central
Central consonant Consonne centrale
Central Croatia Croatie centrale
Central Department Département Central
Central District District central
Central do Brasil Central do Brasil
Central dogma of molecular biology Théorie fondamentale de la biologie moléculaire
Central Eastern Alps Alpes orientales centrales